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To 3d Wild,
I've noticed the thread on about your forthcoming 1/350 model of the CC-1 Lexington. I would post to that thread, but have never figured out how to post to that board, so I decided to post here in the hope that you will see this.
Many years ago, a ship modeling magazine carried an article about a large-scale model of the CC-1 battlecruiser with several good photographs of the model. I still have the physical article, and I think it might help answer some of your questions. I would be happy to scan it and send it to you after I return home tomorrow evening.
Incidentally, you might want to clarify that your model is not of the original design of the CC-1 class, which I'm sure you know had seven funnels, but of the final design.
Looking forward to seeing the kit of the CC-1!
Art Nicholson