I haven't built or owned these 1/350 kits but here is something that might help you in your choice.
In 2012 both Bronoc, and Gallery, made new tool of the USS New York. Between 2012 and 2014 Bronoc released 2 more kits the USS San Deigo(new box) and the USS San Antonio(new parts). At the same time Gallery made a deal with Revell and Monochrome releasing these kits as the USS New York.
In 2020 Trumpeter leased or bought this mold and released as the New York reboxing it.Last year Trumpeter sold or leased the molds to Academy and was released with new parts as the USS New York.
Using scalemates I learned this and after looking
at websites for the question "Is Bronoc out of business". It is . Bronoc was called a limited production company .They made only so many and after that they were done and so was Bronoc.
So in conclusion it appears that 3/4 of the companies listed is using the Gallery Mold except thos listed with new parts.This is a guess that because the New York had metal from the twin towers
in it's bow made it famous.Hope that helps. Previous Message
What is the better 1/350 kit of the San Antonio class, Bronco or Gallery/Trumpeter/Revell?