Flight IIA and Flight III are 509.5 feet in length.
Max beam for all is 66 feet. Waterline beam for all is 59 feet.
Draft is listed in most sources as 31 feet, but saw a few claiming 36 feet, and good full hull drawings do show below waterline differences, with the IIAs being deeper draft. So, I suspect the 31 feet is Flight one and II, while 36 feet is IIA and III, but I have not found a source spelling that out.
Sterns of the Flight III were widened about 2 feet per side (four feet overall) to add buoyancy due to the increased weight. However, that flaring has not affected their overall waterline or max beam.
Compare sterns of DDG 112:
With DDG 125:
See how DDG 112 is "more rectangular," while DDG 125 is "more triangular." Previous Message
Cannot find any defined reference.