True, the new LHAs are more capable in their aircraft handling abilities. But, they are not for sea control. They are for Marine close air support air power. The Navy has talked of using them in a sea control capacity, and caused the Corps fits in so doing. They don't want their inventory reduced by being tied up in some Navy mission. They were funded and built primarily for the Marines' use. The Marines want to keep it that way.
By "both" I would mean ships funded and built for the Navy for sea control use, in addition to the current CVNs (and in addition to the LHAs also.) If anyone can sell that to Congress, great, but then some other project somewhere which we probably need more is going bye-bye.
Some hair-splitting by me. You are technically correct. Previous Message
Technically, we are building both now. The Flight I America class ships are better able to support sustained operations with a squadron or two of Marine F-35B STOVL aircraft. Bougainville (LHA 8), the first Flight I, is currently fitting out at Ingalls Shipbuilding in Pascagoula and could be commissioned later this year (or more likely next). Here's what she looked like last week: