Received my order from Hobby Easy of Muyi Model Studio (Heavy Hobby) MK-37 Gun Director with MK12 and MK22 radar. For once it is refreshing to see and actual photo on Hobby Easy of these as opposed to a 3D picture of detail you never get. This time you get the detail.
The Director and supports is one piece printed in black resin (the brittle kind) . The supports are finely printed with no attachment points. Where they meet is a notch in which the base of the MK-12 /Mk 22 radar sit. The attachment points are beneath the director and it is angled on wafer to get at them..
Next the radars . All open lattice . You have to put the magna -visor on to see it but it is there. If you airbrush or brush paint you probably lose the open lattice. Dry brushing maybe the only solution.. There appears to be 3 attachment points to the more delicate MK-22 side radar. 2 from below and 1 from a side. That is going to be tricky to separate . I don’t know if hot knife or ophthalmologist long nose flush cut scissors are the answer. The black resin is brittle and sometimes a less than smooth cut destroys rather than separates. Most of the attachment points for the MK -12 radar come from below but not all. There is lattice support from behind the MK-12 radar so one must be careful to identify the difference between attachment point and lattice.
4 MK-37 and radars to a wafer. There probably will be casualties.. Relatively cheap due to Hong Kong Dollar vs American dollar. They come in small baggie within a small plastic box which is shrink wrapped., therefore easy to store. There an artist drawing on each box to assist in what the piece should look like when done.
As I write this I am smiling for I recall being ridiculed that replacing parts with 3D printed parts was not modeling . If you can cut these and assemble and save the detail you are a true modeler. I love them and plan to buy more.
My two cents.