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I have never had much luck having the wood decks stay down.. I have done the wood glue method which was horrible, how is wood glue supposed to stick well to plastic?.. I have gone back to using artist oils and painting on my wood affects, this way I know it wont ever lift.. I am open to what I may be doing wrong if anyone has suggestions..Tried the scale decks on the Trumpy 200 Titanic aft poop deck and it pulled rite off with zero effort after using wood glue on both surfaces,,.. Previous Message
I always assemble and paint the hull and main deck(s) first. Paint visible details, and exposed metal deck areas, then carefully apply the wood deck. Everything above the main deck is assembled and painted separately then glued in their appropriate locations. Railings are dead last so they don't get damaged. Previous Message
No, you have to build a ship from the bottom up. Finish the hull first. Add the deck then start putting on the super structure parts making sure that you can always get the deck on.. Sometimes the parts get in the way of putting the deck on. Test fit a lot. I attach the railings after things are together. I always put the main deck railings on last because I always find a way to break them otherwise. Test fit a lot.