And yes, orders have been slow. Why? Because when you get more orders than you have the ability to fill in a 20-hour day, things pile up. When you have THREE surgeries in the course of a year (gall bladder, hernia repair AND exploded appendix), thing fall behind. I have always been available via email, my phone number is posted and well known, and people know where and how to find me. Its not like I've taken anyone's money and run off to the Bahamas on your dime.
There was a DNS migration issue for the domain - I've been trying since Dec18th to get it resolved. This issue has not only shut down the website, but its also shut down the emails associated with the website. This was posted on Dec 19th on the Scale Colors Facebook group, where many of you are also members.
And it has ALWAYS been my policy, that if you want a refund, all you have to do is ask.
Jeff Herne
Scale Colors