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I talked to Steve Wiper on Christmas day about the status of Classic Warships and to beg him to publish Vol 2 USS Enterprise. Steve has stepped back from publishing for a short time. He has started an HVAC business in Tucson and it is doing well. He is working a steady 65 hours a week and that does not leave him anytime to work on new books. Classic Warships is still in business but is in hiatus. His books are still selling very well at Squadron, so he goes into his office once a month to fill re-orders. He still is in contact with his network of friends that supply him photos and still buys pictures off on EBAY for future books. The website is down because he did not renew listing with his server.
With his son graduating college this June, hopefully the money will not be so tight and he expects to get back into publishing new books sometime next October or November. His first new book will be USS Enterprise Vol 2 1942. Steve told that the USS Enterprise might be a 4 volume set. He has a large collection of the USS Enterprise pictures from her 1942 Pearl Harbor overhaul which will fill up most of Volume 2. He told me that he is having a very hard time finding pictures of the USS Enterprise from Jan 1942 to May 1942 so that may slow down the release date.
Take care, Tom Shepherd Previous Message
It seems Classic Warships has “checked out” as well. Glad I have all 50 of Steve Wiper’s Warship Pictorials. Previous Message
What happened to the other site?