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Like the majority of the US Pacific Fleet in September 1941, USS Honolulu was wearing MS-1 camouflage.
On Friday Sept.19, 1941 USS Honolulu, USS Boise, and USS Pennsylvania left Pearl Harbor enroute to Los Angeles. All three ships were wearing MS-1 camouflage. LIFE film and Photography crews, including Peter Stackpole hitched a ride aboard USS Boise. A month earlier the LIFE crew boarded USS Maryland in Los Angeles and documented her trip to Pearl Harbor and now it was time for them to return to the States.
On this return trip back to the States, they managed to take a bunch of photos aboard USS Boise and some film footage as well.
Here is a shot of USS Pennsylvania during this trip with her newly installed CXAM-1 radar above her forward fighting top.
Here is USS Honolulu
Penn and Hono together:
The three ships arrived in Los Angeles on Friday Sept. 19th.
On Monday Sept. 22nd, COMCRUBATFOR, H.P. Leary sent the following directive to USS Helena, USS Honolulu and USS Boi