Go troll somewhere else Previous Message
By continuing to support shit you encourage more shit. Clowns like you never get it. Previous Message
WOW Dude!! don't buy it then and get to scratch building.. If I don't like a model, I simply just don't buy it.. Best of luck to you if I even DARE say that... Previous Message
And no it is not easily fixable but then every company has done this shit. Previous Message
maybe true, but very fixable I still say ita a very nice kit for the price.. Previous Message
Like all Olympic class kits the hull plating is GROSSLY over stated. Look at pics of the real ships. Previous Message
Hey guys, this is for the guys on here who still like Trumpeter, the new Trumpy Olympic will be arriving very soon I have seen lots of Pistures and it looks to be a very nice build..If anyone want one, let me know, I will be picking 1 for myself and will be having Bob send me a couple extra just in case.. Happy Thanksgiving guys