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I agree my friend, we have a real problem..I'd like to see us make most of our own stuff again, but there are obvious problems with that at the moment as well..The only up side to this mess is that I think china needs us as much as we need them and that is a deterrent keeping them from getting too stupid like starting a WAR.. Previous Message
Clearly stopping trade is impossible. We may not “need” their toys, but there’s a whole lot of stuff that we do need from them, which if we can’t get it, will put some of our retailers and manufacturers out of business. We can’t curb China’s drive for power by restricting trade. We have to find other means of doing that. Previous Message
I would agree but we are so dependant on them that stopping trade cold turkey would be near impossible.. we're not in a good place.. at this point anything we do will hurt to some degree. Previous Message
Well then shouldn’t we stop ALL trade with them? Do you really think tariffs on toys will keep China in check? Previous Message
The tariffs are needed..we cant keep funding and empowering our enemies even as much as I ove the model kits coming out of there..China needs a strong arm to keep them in check.. Previous Message
The auto industry is a warning. In the 70s and 80s, when tariffs increase the price of Toyotas and Hondas, GM and Ford raised the price of their cars to match. Previous Message
Probably not. In order to do that, someone has to obtain manufacturing space, buy specialized equipment, hire and train employees to do things that they have no prior experience doing, etc, etc. It’s a hugely expensive, time consuming investment. There’s no guarantee that the domestically made kits will end up costing less than the foreign ones, even with the added tariffs. And what happens if after all that effort, the tariffs get dropped?
Is this an investment you would make? Previous Message
Or maybe these tariffs might open the market for new domestic manufacturing. Previous Message
With 80 - 90 % of plastic kits being produced in China, modeling is going to become an even more expensive hobby (in the US). Previous Message
Nearly all toys in the U.S. are imported.
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