My biggest gripe about the print stuff is the print lines. Right now I am suffering through trying to clean them up which involves a boat load of hours and then you loose details.
My other complaint is they should leave off a lot of the little details and let that for the builder to place on the model. Sure it makes things easy but I think the hobby is becoming just that in some respects, easier. many kids don't want to build a model if they can't have it complete in a day. I was one of them 55 years ago. But on the other hand there are so many after market items out there that one can build most anything they choose.
Personally I love the toughest kits out there. Hundreds of parts and even thousands. Makes it fun.
If you want faster and less crisp detail and don't care about the print lines then perhaps 3D is for you. Until they produce a hull and major pieces that do not need hours and hours of sanding just to bring the kit in to a suitable build then I will stay away.
I'd rather scratchbuild.
3D HAs revolutionized modeling. Plastic never quite lived up to its promise for ship models. 3D is setting all new standards for ship models.