Many, many years ago--back when release of the CVN-65 kit seemed imminent--I read here a post from a fellow, to wit: Test shot(s) of the kit was/were shown to several knowledgeable folks on the topic. They ripped it apart. Apparently, many serious inacuracies. None were easy fixes. The molds would need to be pretty much completely redone. Dragon then abandoned the project. Not willing to sink any more money/resources into it. If the molds were even kept, they could indeed decide to release it. If this news is correct, it would not be overly well received. Would likely end up much like the "tanker bow" Trumpeter Hornet.
Up to that point, release had looked close. After reading this, I quietly gave up on it. And, indeed it never materialized. While I strongly suspect it is dead, you may certainly keep hoping if you desire.
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The funny thing about Dragon is their commitment to ship models seems to come and go. They sat on their completed Kirov molds for over 10 before they released the kit. Even then they probably did that just to beat the Trumpeter/Pit-Road offering to the market. I still think the Dragon CVN-65 could show up if one of their competitors announced their own Big E, and Dragon was in the mood.