US Small Combatants,Chapter6,page 167 describes the
development and the installation of the MK 50 launchers on PT boats. HTH.
For whatever little it is worth, there is a 1946 publication: US Rocket Ordnance; Development and Use in World War II
On page 37 starts a small segment devoted to PT boat rocket use. On page 39 is written this:
"This 5-inch high velocity spinner is fired from twin launchers each with 8 tubes arranged in tiers of 4, 1 above the other. The launchers are mounted forward, 1 on each side of the boat, providing a capacity of 16 rounds without reloading. 'Two models of the rocket have been used in service. Each weighs some 50 pounds and is 30 inches long. One model has a semi-armor- piercing`head and a velocity of 1,415 feet per second. The other model has a general-purpose or thick-walled head and a velocity of 1,540 feet per second."
Note: "Two models of the rocket have been used in service ..." And this is a 1946 publication...immediately after WWII, and before Korea. No other details of their use, but claims usage, and clearly describes the Mk-50 rocket launcher and spin-stabilized rockets, not fin-stabilized barrage rockets.
This publication can be found online via this site:
I was unable to find any further info on what Craig posted above, but it sort of looks like he might have found specifics of this usage? He seems to be describing Mk-50 launchers, from the 1944 date given (barrage rockets were "primitvely tried" in 1943...) and the fact that an improved launcher was installed in March, 1945...about when the Mk-50 showed up.
As I wrote, for what little this is worth. There is a source "out there" claiming in service usage, which--considering WWII--would tend to have one's thinking lean to combat usage.
I understood you question. All of my comments related to the factory installed launchers. My read of the squadron deployment information leads me to believe these launchers were not used in combat in World War II
I was specificly refering to the ELCO factory installed rocket launchers (Like the one on the 1/35 Italeri kit and the 1/72 Revell version) with the 8 tube launchers on both sides.
I was not thinking on the field installations (which i know were used) - sorry i did not make it clear
regards John