Doing a Lower Otter Brook run tomorrow is anyone is interested. Meeting at the take out at 10:30. Send me an email
Re: Otter Brook
Posted by Erik on 4/30/2017, 6:21 am, in reply to "Otter Brook "
It’s funny how trips come together. Usually by Thursday someone has posted a trip that I am interested in. This week, it didn’t happen, so I posted it myself – Otter Book in southern NH. And just to make sure it happened, I posted it at three places – two Facebook groups and a local email list. It worked. We ended up with about 20 people in three groups, including 6 canoes.
Otter Brook is an easy class II that runs through Keene, NH on it’s way to the Ashuelot River and ultimately the Connecticut River. From the Otter Brook Dam, the river twists and turns though the woods down to Otter Ledge – a 2-foot drop that is usually run on the right. After that, Otter Brook merges with Miniwawa Brook, which adds to its flow and produces some nice wave trains for the remained of the trip. Paul and I ended up doing two runs – great day.