So the 28th. Amendment is the law of the land Joe??
I suspect this announcement was probably paid for by the patron saints of the trans lobby, the Pritzkers. Please don't laugh, it is not that big of a stretch. Demented Joe didn't come up with this out of the blue without some coaching from somebody. I doubt if he can even count to 28 at this point.
Unfortunately, I also suspect Brown-Jackson and Sonia Sotomayor would henceforth declare the 28th Amendment ratified. Ok, Trump being cheered at the Super Bowl was pretty cool, but I do kind of miss the F**k Joe Biden chants.
One benefit for all that Biden is doing during his final days in office is that it annoys the two of you.
I would say it gives Wally Joe more things to whine about, which he loves, but he as long as there are living breathing Dems around he'll have plenty to choose from.