When will this school board man up and do their job? First they lied to the public selling the idea of bringing the neighborhood schools back, and they didn't. They are implementing their idea of what neighborhood schools should be. Just because they are making a change,,,, doesn't make it the correct change. It's just enough to cause a little chaos but still not give the people what they originally wanted.
Now the issue of the e-learning days. Everyone knows that half the kids if not more don't even bother to log into the program and parents don't make them. What happened to regular old snow days,,,,where kids get to be kids and actually play out in the snow? I'll tell you what, the staff will do anything to not declare a snow day because it makes them just that much closer to summer vacation if they don't use them.
Just like government workers teleworking The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits. -Thomas Jefferson
E learning takes about two hours...those kids will have plenty of time to play in the snow. Some parents complained when there were snow days because those days have to be made up at the end of the school year,,
I agree with MPG..the students have been given the tech to continue their school work. It is up to parents to be parents and make sure they do it.
It takes parents working together with the schools for the students to get the most benefit.