Posted by Dave Williams on November 27, 2024, 4:46 pm
The nomination of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya to be the director of the National Institutes of Health is the single greatest case of poetic justice in my lifetime.
Jay, who holds both an MD as well as a PhD in economics, is a professor at Stanford University.
During the COVID years he had to endure the slings and arrows of mental and moral midgets who were unfit to shine his shoes.
He correctly spoke out against the useless and evil lockdown policy as well as much of the rest of the madness.
Now that it's obvious that none of those things did any good, and simply destroyed millions of lives for no good reason, some people are trying to pretend they never supported any of it.
But we remember the truth, and how those people behaved toward decent people and brilliant scientists like Jay.
Jay was smeared by Francis Collins, who was director of the very institution Jay will now direct, as a "fringe epidemiologist" because he correctly insisted that lockdowns were no part of any pandemic policy ever proposed anywhere. Collins has since admitted that his institution had major blind spots during COVID. But Jay wasn't blind. The mild-mannered Jay Bhattacharya, who never sought the spotlight but was forced into it by events, spoke the truth from day one, and for that he has the gratitude of all thinking people everywhere.The policy of the American government is to leave their citizens free, neither restraining nor aiding them in their pursuits. -Thomas Jefferson
Re: Revenge
Posted by opinionated on November 27, 2024, 5:08 pm, in reply to "Revenge"
Dr. Fauci should be investigated again and this time, not allowed to lie to Congress.
The lockdowns of local businesses in small communities like ours, destroyed many of them.
Healthy seniors locked in nursing homes away from their loved ones and exposed to the virus.
Fauci and other elites attended sporting events. Nancy Pelosi attended parties.
This whole thing was "Trumped" up. The virus was real, but the lockdowns were nothing more than a chance to destroy the economy and secure a win for Biden. Good job.
Drill Baby Drill!
Re: Revenge
Posted by Joe Smith on November 27, 2024, 6:37 pm, in reply to "Re: Revenge"
And the governor of this wretched state imposed his damn will on everyone while his wife vacationed in Florida.Democrats Vote To PROTECT Illegal Immigrant Predators, GOP Passes Bill To SAVE KIDS.