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    Update to Removal of Posts Archived Message

    Posted by AdminGCG1 on March 8, 2017, 6:02 pm

    After receiving over three dozen emails and phone calls asking us about the posts that we removed, we feel inclined to further explain our decision to remove the images of two Nameoki Township General Assistance Fund checks that were posted to our Discussion Board.

    Our long time members know that we do not remove posts from the board very often, and avoid doing so unless it is absolutely necessary. In this particular instance, images of two cashed checks, as mentioned above, contained the bank account number and routing number from the township's General Assistance Fund bank account.

    The only reason these images were removed was to protect the security of these account numbers. Had the images not contained the bank account numbers those posts would remain on the board today regardless of the content and regardless of who requested their removal.

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