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    Re: So how 'bout that Main Stream Media! Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on December 5, 2015, 7:27 pm, in reply to "Re: So how 'bout that Main Stream Media!"

    Meanwhile even ISIS terrorist are saying, "because of their President (our friend) Americans are still being led to believe we are not in their country plotting more "work place violence".

    Do not let this milk toast moron or his administration fool you folks. Keep your guard up. Notify our local PD is you see anything out of the ordinary like say five or six muslims hanging out in someone's garage. It's time for us to take back the country. We can't wait until January 2017.

    I wonder if Obama is as big a coward in his private life as in his public life? I mean it defies imagination how he cold not be angry enough over the California shootings to not immediately want to strike back. As President you have to have a cool head but how many more times does he get his head knocked off before he fires back? Complacency, compassion and understanding won't work when dealing with these animals.

    Please Mr. President. Show this country some guts.

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