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    Granite City DMV Archived Message

    Posted by Speaking Out on August 20, 2015, 6:45 pm

    Are all DMV locations like ours? I have never used another location but if there were a choice, I would never step foot back into the one in this town.

    Soon as you walk through the doors, you are greeted by several hand written signs that have been placed at the entrance by the employees, my guess is to lessen the amount of times they have to actually look someone in the eye and answer a question.

    After you enter the doors and begin to read these signs, if you don't read them quick enough an older gray haired woman will bark at you from her stool, "what do you need?". During, not after, but during your attempt to answer her question, she then directs you to take a number.

    As I am taking my number, I glance around and notice what appears to be about 7 or 8 employees behind the counters and 2 customers in the entire building, and I am one of the 2 and I am having to take a number.....okay.

    I take my number and begin the wait. As I sit looking around, I am watching employees having conversations with each other. Some standing around and doing nothing, one at the counter actually dealing with the other customer. I eventually get back up and take a few steps to glance around the corner to the counter I am guessing I am waiting to be called to.

    I see a woman sitting behind this counter on her stool. She doesn't appear to be doing anything, she isn't helping customers, she isn't doing paper work, she isn't on a computer. At this time, the older woman on the stool by the signs is giving me the hairy eye ball for being nosy and peeking around the corner.

    She tries to discreetly gesture to her coworker that she has a customer waiting (me). It's at this time the woman I have been waiting on decides to take a bathroom break. She leaves her counter and goes into the restroom and comes back out about 5 minutes later.

    By now, I am back on my feet. I am refusing to sit back down. I am near the chairs, but standing where I can see this woman. I watch her stroll back to her counter and get situated just right on her stool. She looks around for about a minute or so, glances at the clock and eventually calls out NUMBER BLAH BLAH!!!!

    I again looked around and thought to myself, really? You had to yell out the number lady, because there is nobody else in this building now other than employees and me.

    I walk up to the counter with my paper work in hand ready to go I step up to the counter and look at this woman as she sits there and eventually she looks up and makes eye contact with me. It's a stand off, the silence is awkward. She has not said a word, and at this point I was just aggravated enough to not say one either. I believe if I had not been the one to give in and say something, I may just still be standing there now.

    What the hell is wrong with these people. What makes them think they have the damned right to treat people so rudely? They act like everyone that walks into that building are beneath them and they don't even attempt to hide the way they feel. The attitude of these people and the way they treat the public is unbelievable. I would have loved to have had my visit on video.

    I hate having to go to this place, and the reason is not the wait or the crowd...it is the rude employees that should be thankful to have a decent job.

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