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    Suggestion for homepage? Archived Message

    Posted by tris on February 3, 2011, 9:49 am

    Dear ladies,

    I love the monthly homepages, complete with the birthday notices, anniversary postings, and I really do enjoy the ads too.

    Sometimes I want to find a regular advertiser (a phone number for a company or the hours of a store) but since the pages change montly, I sometimes can't find it without searching each and every one. I can't use the Find function (Ctrl+F) because all of the text is in the jpg image file and not on the actual page where the find/search function looks.

    So a suggestion/question that I have, is there a way to set up a page of a list of advertisers that are just text or text plus the image and a link back to the original image or their page?

    Just a thought!

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