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    New MO Laws Archived Message

    Posted by GreggA on January 27, 2011, 8:32 am

    I rant quite a bit about how dumb or inconsistant politicians are in IL, did anyone hear what they did in MO?

    1) Nobody can text and drive because the cops can't tell if you are 21 or older when you drive by them. I agree with this one, but if a cop sees you weaving, isn't that already illegal lane usage, without needing another law on the books?

    2) You don't have to wear a motorcycle helmet if you are over 21. I don't agree with helmet laws on the same basis I disagree with seatbelt laws, but doesn't this fly in the face of the logic of the last law? Are they going to pull over the Outlaws or Hell's Angels and card them? I doubt it.

    3) Test people for drugs when they apply for welfare if the state employee has reason to believe they are high at the appointment. I partied a lot in college, but I stayed home the night before an exam and partied after I passed. I guess if they show up stoned on their third apppointment it's cool.

    But oh well, it looked like they were helping their citizens on the front page of the paper.

    I heard all this from a MO senator being interviewed yesterday on a local radio station.

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