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    Re: in vetro Archived Message

    Posted by tris on January 15, 2011, 9:45 pm, in reply to "in vetro"

    I have two female friends who both have had in-vitro. My closest friend . . . after trying for 2.5 years, she and her husband couldn't get pregnant naturally. The fertility clinic they went to had 2 pricing systems . . . $10k a pop and if it works it works. Or $18k for 3 tries and if you don't successfully get pregnant in those tries, you either get a refund or a 4th attempt (your choice).

    The part she hated the worst was all the hormones. They pump her full of so many shots because they go in and harvest your eggs and they only want to do it once, so they make it so that you produce as many eggs as possible at once. When they did her egg harvest they got 8 total, 6 were of the appropriate quality/viable. They also had to analyze his sperm because they had problems with both sides (to quote her, they had no tails or square heads).

    They fertilized all 6 eggs harvested. Three of them survived long enough to be implanted, so they implanted all three. (Normally they'll do a max of 3 at a time, standard is two but they figured why save/freeze just the one). And on July 30th, she gave birth to triplets!

    My other friend had a too amazing for words story . . . she had her tubes tied because her endometriosis was interfering with her ability to get pregnant, . . . . and in the tube below the place they cauterized it off was a naturally fertilized embryo. This after three rounds of IVF implantation were required for her to get pregnant the first time.

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