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    Re: Backstroking Weather Forecasters Archived Message

    Posted by whatusay on January 10, 2011, 10:56 pm, in reply to "Re: Backstroking Weather Forecasters"

    It's frustrating when they stick their necks out and then nothing happens

    I know, I know, but please try explaining that to my fifty two year old husband who, since the threat of snow was announced three days ago, has kicked into preparedness high gear.

    Even though he realizes we are no longer living in the 40's or 50's, and we do not live rurally, with maniacally perilous and treacherous snow covered back roads to navigate, he has managed to take over the top shelf of my refrigerator with three glass bottles of Farm Fresh two percent.
    We now have, white bread, wheat bread and rye bread in the cabinet. Rye bread I asked? Oh, to go with the bone in ham that we "could eat off of for a few days". And heaven forbid, share with the dogs if things get really, really bad.

    And that gleam in his eye as he secretly peeks at his trusty pick 'em up truck, nestled warmly in the garage. That four wheel drive bundle of manliness that can manuever a mountain of snow, "if we had to get out". LOL, the one he dreams of doing snow donuts in at the nearest, vacant, snow covered parking lot he encounters!Like he thinks I don't know about this...the kids told on him years ago!

    Something about the thought of four plus inches of snow throws him back to junior high school. And now he sits here deflated, mournful, though trying to keep a stiff upper lip, I know how disappointed he is that the "big" snow isn't coming.

    He just called Cindy Presler a jack ass, changed the channel, mumbled something, and then proceeded to go out to the garage.

    Probably to check to make sure the gasoline he bought yesterday to run the generator (in case we get ice instead of snow) is still there, that, or to break the bad news to his truck.

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