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    Re: iTunes and sales tax? Archived Message

    Posted by iluvgc on January 7, 2011, 11:24 am, in reply to "Re: iTunes and sales tax?"

    Then the State of Illinois raises income taxes 75% and adds another $1 to the cigarette tax on top of all the other ridiculous "sin" taxes the have implemeted.

    So, those people who can't live without their "sinning" go to Missouri, Indiana, Iowa and Wisconsin to make their purchases. Now the sales for those items are down in Illinois, and so is the sales tax revenue. But our elected officials know just how to solve that problem, add additional "sin" items to the list and raise the sales tax on them.

    It's a never ending vicious cycle that has started and will go on and on.

    Maybe we should all just move South along with the jobs and businesses that Illinois has forced out. At least the weather is warmer there.

    This country is headed for a revolution....everyday people versus the government....all levels.

    Before you know, we will have to pay a tax on every email we send, every time we post something using the internet and every bill we pay on-line. Oops...shouldn't have said...that just gave them another idea!

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