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    Re: Route 3 Archived Message

    Posted by 3Dee on December 14, 2010, 4:49 pm, in reply to "Re: Route 3"

    We could all form a little corporation.

    GranGosCo... for the Granite City Gossip Corporation.

    We could sell shares, about 1,500 shares at around $500 a piece. That would raise about $750,000, and maybe would be enough capital to build a new White Castle.

    Or maybe we gotta up the figure a little bit and get a little bit more up-front capital invested.

    Then our White Castle comes, and we have free WI-Fi that automatically opens up to Granite city Gossip.

    When we get close to paying off our investment, we can sell it, or people can buy up shares, whatever works.

    Who wants to get in at the ground level?

    (This is not a serious proposition, only a bit of armchair quarterbacking.)

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