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    Re: couple things... Archived Message

    Posted by Dr. Ray Langston on December 7, 2010, 12:48 pm, in reply to "Re: couple things..."

    Posted by GC Gunner on December 7, 2010, 12:25 pm, in reply to "Re: couple things..."

    Sorry, I don't celebrate Xmas. Also, aren't you the guy who tried to hack into the discussion board going around the administrators so you could get your way, and then changed your name?

    You don't celebrate Christmas?
    I respect that, anything else you celebrate this time of year?

    GCG admins' repsonse to my banning

    "While we are certain this was merely coincidence, we had no choice but to insure that our Discussion Board User Data Base remained secure and had not been breached. Our data base was not accessed, so all is fine."

    No, I didn't try to hack the board, and even they said the failed log in was conicidence.

    I made my apologies for my behavior that week

    In fact, here's some of the statements that Liberal made about me when the announcment came in that I had been banned.

    Lib's response

    "i always enjoyed liberta.

    like you say 3dee...even though we did not agree often (if ever) - they conducted their behavior in a constructive way. "

    "when discussing with liberta i never considered there to be a winner or loser...just two equal opinions.

    with some posters i do not say the same... "

    "i am kinda sad to see liberta go. "

    I notified people that I had in fact changed my name in a singature quote for about a week, and when uestioned about the change, I told people that I had changed it becuase I wanted a new start, and the similiar names "Liberal/Liberta" cofused people.

    I'm still using the same account, click on the head figure next to the name on posts, it will show that I joined in June and that my originial name aroud here was "Liberta O Morte", still have to type that name every time I log in.

    I have moved on, Liberal, I believe has moved on, and this board has as well, and though I disagree with Lib often, I have respect for him, how he responded to that whole situtation, and he has been a great debater recently, I might say...

    My question for you, Gunner, is why won't you move on?
    I made no attack against you, all was going quite peaceful, why did you feel the need to bring this up?

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