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    Re: School Changes? Archived Message

    Posted by Star on December 5, 2010, 10:04 am, in reply to "School Changes?"

    DON'T PANIC!!! I personally spoke to Dr. Briggs and a member of the school board and they both said this is not going to happen. Yes, there has been discussion about this becase of the NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND LAW. Two schools already offer choise to attend other schools (Prather and I think Wilson) because they did not make AYP (annual yearly progress) Next year their will be more schools. By offering choise of schools to go to it will cost a lot of $$ for busing. (the state will not pay for this busing) The state still owes our district $$ from last year's transportation. Example if a school (Mitchell) doesn't meet AYP you can send you child to Niedringhaus. The rumors get started by the teachers because some of them would be moved. Both people who I talked to said NO MOVEMENT THIS YEAR OR NEXT. If something would happen they would discuss IT first in public meetings. This iS not only Granite City but every school district in Madison County AND THE STATE OF ILL. It is the law and base on NCLB. They are trying to amendend the law. By 2014 every school in the State of Ill. must have 100% of students passing the test. IT WON'T HAPPEN! SO CALM DOWN! IF YOU THINK I AM WRONG, CALL DR. BRIGGS, SUPERINDENT AT 451 5800 AND HEAR IF FROM THE HORSES MOUTH. I hope this helps becasue this is not GOSSIP

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