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    Re: another overdose? Archived Message

    Posted by whatusay on November 23, 2010, 10:41 pm, in reply to "Re: another overdose?"

    Please don't anyone take this as judgemental, but I just don't understand about this heroin and why anyone, especially the younger generations, are so eager to cook this crap up and inject it into their body!

    I grew up in the sixties and seventies and everyone who had half a brain knew this was the
    most addictive drug out there.

    I remember a rumor when I was in my teens that there was a "heroin addict" in town.

    This was BIG news back then.

    Now days, and I know, know, know I sound like some old "back in the day" old lady, the kids are almost jaded with weed not doing the trick, alcohol not doing the trick, for that little buzz at a party.

    Are our kids so jaded that the Vicadin, Oxycontin, Demerol, Xanax that they steal out of the cabinets of the parents and grandparents, just isn't enough for them?

    Do they make a conscious decision to hunt down and buy some heroin, then tie off and shoot?

    Is there no fear?

    OMG, I really, really don't get it.

    Try watching A&E's "Intervention", it's obvious to any parent, spouse, friend, boss, whatever, when someone is using and is high on heroin.

    And I can't wrap my head around someone who does not have a job but can afford two, three or four hundred dollar a day heroin habit!!!

    That's where all those unsecured lawn mowers, bicycles, shoplifted goods, sold LINK cards, etc., are going... for buyin' the heroin.

    We are going to hell in a handbasket, I know I say it all the time.

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