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    Parent-friendly theaters? Archived Message

    Posted by tris on November 19, 2010, 7:07 am

    I remember my mom telling me about this when I was a baby, and I have a friend who lives in Austin where they have the same thing.

    Anyone know if they have parent-friendly movie showings in the greater St. Louis area? I've heard them referred to as mommy matinees, or cry baby matinee shows. They don't dim the lights as much, keep the sound a little bit softer, and you can bring your child under 5 to a matinee showing of a grownup movie for free. Moms don't have to worry about their kids crying and ruining the movie for everyone because they're specifically for parents so everyone there has a kid under 5 with them.

    I think this would be a great thing for the GC theater to offer! (And really, I just wanna see Harry Potter without having to worry about a babysitter!)

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