on January 20, 2025, 10:45 pm, in reply to "Re: Executive Orders now being signed."
It’s growing a lazy, sloppily dressed generation. They get sick leave, FMLA and vacation days. If their kids get sick, use one of those days to stay home with them.
I truly believe in a fair days wage for a days labor. I would guess my former staff would say the standards were high, the work load was heavy but the pay was above average.
I doubt as well that Trump is looking for loyalists in the clerical pool.
The. Vacant office space in DC and surrounding areas due to to this nonsense has doubled and we are still paying to heat, cool and insure those buildings. I wonder how many janitors got laid off to save money. Why clean if no one is there?
It blows my mind that we sent kids back to school after COVID but workers get to stay home in their robes and fuzzy slippers.
God help us.
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