1. Open borders, letting illegals flood our country and then expecting the tax payers to pay for it. Never mind the Americans we have here already struggling. Never mind the drugs, criminals and God knows what else we have let in.
2. Using our government to go after political enemies. Going after parents at school board meetings.
3. Censorship of Americans who don't think or feel they way you do on social media and anywhere else. It's a free country and we all have a right to our opinions.
4. Transgender surgeries for minors all without the parents knowledge. You can't drink a beer or get a tattoo but hey lets let you cut off body parts or add them on.
5. Tampons in boys bathrooms
6. Letting biological males compete in Women's sports. let's just set the female back a few years.
7. a blank check for the endless wars.
These are just a few of the reasons I voted for Donald Trump. I don't care who it was running against the above they would have gotten my vote. Instead of focusing on your hatred for one man perhaps you should take a look at you own party and the absolute stupidity you all embrace. This is why you lost, this is why America is so happy to have Trump back. For me it wasn't that I am a huge Trump fan, for me it's I am not a fan of any of the above.
Be who you are and say what you feel..because those that matter don't mind..and those that mind..don't matter.
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