When a convict with no regard for anything just and without knowledge, let alone respect for the rule of law comes in...no telling what he'll try to pull.
Today, I'll kick back and let the minions enjoy the bootlicking that will commence for the teflon convict who can do no wrong.
With the 'justice' system rigged in his favor...it seems there is only one thing he hasn't rigged the system to escape.....and it's not something I wish on him.
I wish better for our country, but unfortunately, too many people fall for this and care for something different than the well being of the common good or the well being of their fellow citizens.
So anyway....time to buckle in. I'm on of the privileged and will probably not be doing much better or worse in four years. And I am quite fortunate for that to be the case.
But man...for the people it's about to hurt...it's too bad we've sunk this low so as not to care.
Trump's ego trip is more important and more citizens care about bolstering his ego and him maintaining his life in a gold tower.
While he cares nothing about the people who voted for him, it's more important that he get his ego boost than achieving a just society.
Promises made....lies told....and almost none of them kept...no matter what the signage said.
Biden cleans up his mess....so now it's time to see if he can make a bigger mess this time.
Cheers...let's see if what's left of this republic can still hold together enough or if Trump can really destroy it this time.
You cannot spell HATRED without RED HAT.
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