Trading out the Russian Arms merchant of death for a drug-addict WNBA player, stopping the execution of 9/11 masterminds, and now releasing multiple terrorists who hate the U.S. even more after 20 years of prison. It is just stupid all around if the country is a priority in any way shape or form. And whose idea is it to close Guantanamo Bay prison? Because we would keep the most dangerous and murderous criminals in the world in a U.S.-based prison? Cuba still serves a purpose in a violent world. I still think Biden is selling pardons, awards, and favors in exchange for donations to his Presidential library and personal bank account. He is more than willing to sell out the country for money in his final days as he has done for decades. There's probably some cash changing hands, but it seems mostly spiteful. There is someone very hateful behind this, be it FJB and or others. But I know, none of that matters because of you know "Mean Tweets."