A little off the wall. Who cares what we call the Gulf? Using force to take the canal is absurd unless it is being used against our country. As for the Middle East, all hell, he said it regarding the hostages, not the war. My assumption is he is setting the stage for Carter/Reagan 2.0. If you're old enough to remember, the Iranian hostages were released twenty minutes after Reagan was sworn in.
He also repeated his lies about Jan 6th rioters by saying "not a single gun was carried by the MEGA"..facts are that many of the rioters were charged and found guilty of carrying guns that day.At least one fired his weapon into the air.
I hadn't heard about one firing into the air but I would bet there were guns on site. He did comment about the one woman being shot. Well, had she not been there, she wouldn't have been shot. I'm amazed more of the idiots weren't shot.
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