Everything the Biden administration has ever said is a lie. So, let’s start there. The manufactured virus gave way to a US election held like none other in history. Why? Well, we were all gonna die if we had to go to the polls to vote, so let’s mass produce ballots and mail them to every address in the states that allowed it. It’s ok to go to Walmart and the state-run liquor stores, you’re safe there. Even if the state's constitution did not allow mass mailing of ballots judges decided the people’s right to vote was too important, no matter if there’s no chain of custody and it’s likely to produce fraud and it did. The major purpose behind the virus's release was twofold. 1. Get rid of Trump and get China Joe in office. 2. Pharmaceutical companies and stockholders would soak the public of billions and cost the economy trillions in lost business. China and their puppet China Joe were not counting on Trump ever returning to the presidency. But, karma is about to go down. Trump knows what happened. He will not forgive and forget. But I know I know, mean tweets.