on December 24, 2024, 12:07 pm
There were a lot of reasons that Kamala Harris lost the election on Nov. 5, chief among them being a horrible candidate.
One big factor was that she just didn't have the appeal to a lot of the union workers that Democrats have had in the past. The Teamsters' leadership didn't end up endorsing anyone in the election. But that worked like something of an effective endorsement of Donald Trump because they've traditionally endorsed Democrats for decades and they also published their member polls that went overwhelmingly for Trump. The online poll was Trump at 59.6 to Harris at 34 percent.
Now, during an interview with Tucker Carlson on Monday, Teamster President Sean O'Brien has just revealed some of the backstory of the Teamsters' engagement with Kamala. He spoke about how they'd been trying to get invited to the DNC, which didn't happen, and get her to a roundtable to answer questions from the workers. What he says she did is just incredible.
He said that when one of his vice presidents spoke with Harris, Harris arrogantly told her, "You better get on board! You better get on board! Better get on board soon." O'Brien told the story, chuckling in disbelief at that arrogance.
Then, she finally agrees to come to the roundtable after all the pressure from O'Brien. Rank and file members asked questions -- 16 questions. Trump did it. But Harris didn't want to answer them. On the fourth question, O'Brien describes how one of her handlers slips him a note saying, "This will be the last question," ending the session twenty minutes earlier than when it was supposed to. Yikes, she couldn't even make it through 16 questions? But that was typical; she didn't want to be put on the spot, even in what might be friendly environments.
O'Brien then said that her incredible declaration on the way out was, "I'm going to win with you or without you."
How'd that work out, Kamala? How clueless can one be?
Carlson was astonished, “Damn. I thought I was arrogant. That’s really arrogant.”
I guess O'Brien couldn't believe it, so he had a conversation with Biden’s former Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh about what had happened. “Let me ask you a question, Marty. Excuse my French. Who does this f–king lady think she is?” he said he asked Walsh.
No wonder they didn't endorse her.
It's like Hillary Clinton blowing off Wisconsin because she thought it was a given. Harris thought she could just presume their support and treat them like dirt. And that may have been a factor in the Rust Belt states. Harris was so bad she lost all seven swing states.
O'Brien also said the Democrats' original plan of running Joe Biden “kinda looked like elderly abuse” and that he saw him and "you could just clearly tell he was not the man he was."
Just one more example of how Harris had no idea what union workers -- and most Americans -- wanted and were about. Plus, going on Tucker's show is sort of an additional jab that the Teamsters are not going to just go into liberal media arenas. That's another big message to Democrats.
Things are changing, maybe even some unions are changing also.
The American people want refunds and handcuffs for these crooks.