That place is legend. No matter where I go, I still cannot get fried rice like it.
An encounter with their Fried Rice over the holiday brought great memories.
It wasn't EXACTLY as I remember it, but it was still as good of fried rice as I can get. There are a lot of 'memory' foods that aren't the same....and I think it's my changing tastes over the years.
There are still two kinds of people....Lams and VinHoa. We were Vin-Hoa folk....and those city stickers in the window..... are LEGEND! The oldest one still legible is 1982-1983.
Keep being Vin-Hoa..... prices have gone up some, but in this day and age....with the highest price on the menu being $11.80.... that's amazing.
If you could reason with MAGA, there would be no MAGA.
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