True and those moms are reliving their high school years through their daughters. I envision them being like the moms in the series Dance Moms.
I'm sure they do karaoke, have their nails done twice a week and go to the spa once a week. They eat sushi and go to the mall with their daughters and gush over 20 year old boys. LOL.
In short, they are mostly two bricks shy of being a good parent but hey, who needs that these days when you can be your kid's friend and not their mom.
And the men who go to a Twit concert probably enjoy seeing here shake her butt with her bare midriff top. They'll outgrow it and appreciate class over ass.
But soccer, I know you and Mill are both way above voting on those types of factors. You both have common sense and obviously study issues.
When you put a nice saddle on a mule, it's still not a racehorse.
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