I’m curious. Deluxe Style Midge; any luck finding her? Msg>>>
Posted by KC on January 21, 2025, 10:41 am
I went to Target when they opened at 8 AM Jan. 12th and went directly to the toy area, there wasn’t even a display for the deluxe style dolls. I asked an employee to look up the DCPI # and he said there were none in stock or in the back. He had no explanation as to why the dolls were unavailable on the release date.
I try checking online often (my local stores and my sister’s in CT), calling local stores, whereby they let the phone ring and ring until it disconnects on its own and in a few cases, someone picked up the phone and hung it up and once someone picked up the phone and put it on the counter (I could hear people talking in the background!).
And it’s not like I’m making a pest of myself by calling every ten minutes, I try to check in once a day for my closest Target, because if they have one (two would be better. I want to get one for my friend) I can go directly after work and it’s not too far, but traffic is horrible.
I would love to hear experiences from my doll divas buddies and compare notes. Maybe I’m going about it the wrong way. I read that people have had luck by going to Target and finding the dolls on the shelf! I did go again, this past Monday and nothing, there was a display area on an end cap for the deluxe dolls and a section for Midge but no Midge!
I don’t have the time to go every day and check. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! And if you would rather send an email my address is posmonday@gmail.com
I went to 5 Target stores on the 12th. The last store I went to was the only that had the Deluxe dolls out. They didn't have the Midge/Steffie one. I checked Target's app and the regular Deluxe dolls were not even available until the 13th. I didn't bother trying any more.
Since I couldn't find her, I went with the tip to just make my own doll. I bought the regular doll in the outfit and put the outfit on the Barbie Rewind Schoolin' Around redhead Steffie.
It is maddening that some Target stores had the dolls even before the release date. And none on the release date for some stores. Very bad planning/marketing. Thanks again for your message. Hugs, KC