Posted by I accept Paypal geraldlopez@c on January 8, 2025, 9:08 am, in reply to "FS - JHD MiziKatiegirl shoes- six pairs- $45.00 + shipping" JHD Katiegirl Valley of the dolls new extra hands still in packages + 1 pair of new Mizi hands. Also includes two Mizi purses and a Mizi gold jacket. From a nonsmoking home. Price- $12.50 + $8.50 1st class hipping insured in a padded envelope. I accept Paypal My e-mail Message Thread FS - JHD MiziKatiegirl shoes- six pairs- $45.00 + shipping - GeraldLopez January 8, 2025, 9:03 am FS- 3 Snapstar dolls- $19.50 + shipping - GeraldLopez January 8, 2025, 9:16 am FS JHD Adonis reindeer Christmas sweater- $10+ shipping - GeraldLopez January 8, 2025, 9:13 am FS JHD Adonis Dracula skull cane= $14.50 + shipping - GeraldLopez January 8, 2025, 9:10 am FS JHD Katiegirl Valley of the dolls extra hands + Mizi purses- $12.50 + shipping - I accept Paypal geraldlopez@c January 8, 2025, 9:08 am « Back to index | View thread »
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