Steve pushed a branch, and finally saw what he was looking for…
…the entrance of a cave…
He gulped hard, gathering his courage, and began to walk forward.
This wasn’t any regular cave; he had paid a lot for its location… According to the man to whom he had bought the information, here were lying the most wonderful treasures, as well as a great danger… because this was the lair of a dragoness, watching over her gold…
“If you’re brave and smart enough” the man had said “you’ll come out wealthy enough to be a king for these lands… but if she catches you… well… don’t expect to get out there on your feet…”
This would have been dissuasive enough for anyone… but not for Steve… Since his youth, challenges had always been a thrilling appeal to him… The more difficult the objective was to reach, the more motivated he felt… This was in his nature; he had always been self-confident and daring, pushing his limits further each time.
And this, however frightening and dangerous it looked, was nothing more than another challenge to overcome to him… with the greatest reward waiting for him.
The sun had gone down for half an hour now… in exchange of some extra cash, the man had revealed the dragoness fell asleep at nightfall. For more security, he had waited longer, just to make sure the beast would be asleep when he would sneak into her lair…
Carefully, he came closer to the entrance, and eyed on the inside. On the walls of the cave, torches were spreading a dim light, just enough to be reflected by a shining hoard of gold… and by the reddish scales of the dragoness sleeping on it… With a bit of apprehension, he observed her almost in fascination…
This was the first time he saw an actual dragon; like most people, he usually took care not crossing the path of one of these carnivorous and powerful creatures…
Maybe because of her peaceful sleep, he found her rather cute… She smiled happily, her long ears occasionally flapping as she probably dreamt of something pleasant. Her tail was also a bit agitated, slithering among the pieces of her gold pack with a surprising agility. Apart from these, her whole body was only moving on the slow rhythm of her breath…
Steve grinned nervously, thinking about how this peaceful dragoness could rapidly turn into an angry one if she spotted him stealing her treasure… She apparently loved her gold so much she had put a golden ring around her left horn… For his own sake, he had to be silent, and quick…
Fortunately, he had planned everything… Knights usually did the mistake to come into a heavy and noisy armor; he had come into light clothes, shirt and short pant that allowed agile and discrete moves… In addition, he had brought a bag which could contain half of his own weight. This wouldn’t be too much for him to carry it away, and big enough to ensure him years of comfortable life…
He approached the pack on the tip of his toes, biting his tongue under the pressure of the stress… But still the red dragoness breathed without any disturbance, blowing hot air to his face as he sneaked in front of her face.
Guessing the noise of the gold pieces clinging against each others could wake her up, he came closer to her rear, where he would be more at ease to fill up his bag. Being away from her head would decrease the risks…
This was too easy… How lame were the thieves unable to get some of this… He could already imagine the crowd applauding him, telling him how brave he was… He could already feel people begging him to share a bit of his loot, and their hands grabbing desperately his pant…
He froze suddenly… He could actually feel something on his leg, caressing him slowly… He looked down to see… the tail of the dragoness coiling around him…
No panic… She probably did this unconsciously in her sleep… This didn’t mean… Hadn’t the air become warmer, suddenly? And did the sound of her breath become closer? Totally paralyzed in fear, he slowly turned his head…
…to face the grinning one of a well-awaken dragoness which stared at him with naughty eyes…
“Well, well, well… What do we have here?” She said with a toothy smile. “A human thief, trying to rob me…”
He was done… That was the first and only thought that echoed in his head… He was being caught red-handed, and he couldn’t think of any word that could possibly save him…
He felt his heart missing a bit as he watched her slowly licking her lips, while her tail kept investigating his body, pausing a brief moment at his waist level.
“And a male, what’s more… I haven’t had a male human in a while…”
She leaned on him and stuck out her tongue to slowly run it on his naked leg with a nasty grin, purring in obvious enjoyment… And he couldn’t move, now breathing with difficult… Her words were everything but reassuring…
He had always loved challenges, but this try to steal the gold of this dragoness seemed to be his last one…
“P… Please… Don’t hurt me…” He begged in last resort.
Shivers invaded his body as he heard her chuckle in response… That meant nothing good… Dragons were probably used of these kinds of words, and his apparently didn’t raise any compassion in her… She brought back her blue tongue in her maw, agitating it to spread a taste she visibly appreciated…
“MMmmh… You might be lucky, human…” She spoke with a grin that couldn’t mean anything good. “There’s a little task I’d want you to perform… If you do this correctly, I won’t hurt you…”
She leaned and came tickling his cheek with the tip of her tongue in a small, almost teasing lick, before adding:
“Not physically, at least…”
He gulped hard in front of her greedy face…
He had often heard stories about dragons, as a child… A bit like cats, they were told to enjoy playing with their prey… and right now, he clearly felt like a mouse trapped in the paws of a feline… He mentally evaluated the situation, a hard task considering the instinctive fear that rushed him to try to dash outside… which was probably the last thing to do since she’d just catch him and finish him off… To stay alive longer, his only option was to submit to her game, whatever it could be.
“A… Alright then… W… What do I have to do?
She licked her lips once more with a strange look, a bit like she was trying to seduce him.
“As I said, I haven’t had a human for a while… And I like your kind for your… soft skin… and agile hands…” She said on a teasing tone. “Look behind you.”
In confusion, he turned back. He didn’t understand what she meant… In front of him, only her hind legs were lying on the gold pack… What was he supposed to see?
In surprise, and a bit in horror, he saw her slowly raising the upper leg, closing the fingers of her paw like she grabbed something invisible in obvious anticipated excitement… Indeed, a blue split in her red scale appeared in front of his eyes, making him understand instantly her innuendo…
She expected him to please her…
A thousand thoughts burst in his head as he watched the blue flesh shining at the timid light of the torches… Did she intend to humiliate him to punish him from his burgling attempt? Was it some kind of trap, a way to only mentally torture him and test his will to stay alive?
As he stayed perplexed, she drew her head closer to his ear, whispering:
“Now, human… Work your magic on me… And I’ll be nice in return…”
He shivered as he felt a soft lick and her warm breath on his neck. Apparently, she was mostly driven by naughty desires… This could be a good thing, in the end… After all, he just had to play her game and fulfill her little request… which could have been far worse, thinking about it… And since she had no reason of promising anything in return, he could probably trust the sincerity of her offer…
He stepped forward, and took a closer look… Some fluids timidly leaked from the blue opening; she probably anticipated the following event with strong hopes…
“Don’t be shy, human… And don’t make me wait…”
Understanding the message, Steve kneeled in front of her. He gulped hard approached his hand slowly… and finally touched the blue flesh…
It was smooth and soft… actually, it was quite pleasant to touch… But he still felt a bit awkward knowing what he was doing…
As he began to caress her edges, he heard her purring in satisfaction behind him. Like humans, this had to be a quite sensitive part for dragons… and the slide of his fingers on the blue surface made more fluids come out as he probably stimulated her thoughts as well…
“Enough teasing, human…” she spoke, her voice already shaking from pleasure. “Don’t expect any mercy if you don’t at least put your hand in there…”
Shivering from the threat, he slowly pushed the tip of his fingers inside, gently digging his way… He was tempted to force directly his hand in, but he knew that if she didn’t get enough pleasure from his hand work, he wouldn’t get any compassion either…
She purred again as he began to shove his fingers, spreading her flesh in a smooth slide and waving to trigger some sweet sensations for her… He gasped slightly as he felt her tongue coming to his leg again, licking him slowly in a sensual slide on his naked calf. Like the terrifying predator she was, she surely knew how to tease her prey!
She suddenly grabbed his leg with her tongue, pulling to make him lying down. He was about to ask what she was up to, but she seemed carried away in a delighted trance, removing his shoes and socks with her paws. She let out a small moan as she kept licking his legs, progressively going up… She apparently wasn’t joking about her intentions to be nice…
He couldn’t help but loosen his body under the sensual moves of her tongue… She actually was quite friendly, for a supposedly merciless beast…This felt so sweet, so tempting… This somehow motivated him to be good in return…
He gently caressed the inside of her welcoming love tunnel with his fingers, slowly getting further… The moans she produced amused him… Despite the now ravenous licks she gave in return from his hand work, she managed to stay soft… and her moans of pleasure were quite stimulating… Forcing a bit more, he pushed his whole hand inside… and held his breath when she seemed to become crazy in response.
In a huge a greedy movement, she opened her jaws and plunged to take his two legs into her maw, closing around his waist. He froze in instinctive fear as she began to run her tongue on his lower body that was now stored inside, purring in delight. But she was just carried away… Yes, she enjoyed the sweet sensation he gave her so much that she couldn’t control herself… This was probably the reason… This had to be the reason… After all, she hadn’t bitten or done anything painful… This looked like a game to her…
“He…. Hey… Be careful, dragon…” He tried to joke in discomfort, agitating his fingers inside her to remind her he was still performing his task for her. After a slight moan that made her tongue vibrate on his skin, she opened an eye and grinned. He shivered as he saw such a naughty face while her lips were closed around his waist, reminding him having half of his body in her maw wasn’t reassuring at all…
“You can call me Lucy… Lucy the dragoness” She articulated, her tongue waving under his legs. “And I’m always careful with my snacks…”
His heart beat faster as he heard the word “snack”. But it was probably some kind of sweet word to her… Just like some girls called their man “honey”… Still he had a bad feeling about this one… Being called ‘snack’ by a dragon that had his legs in maw was rather stressing…
He probably over thought it… after all, she was nice… a bit strange, but nice… The lovely way she slithered her tongue on his legs, coiling around, was surprisingly amusing… almost teasing… Maybe if he stimulated her better, she’ll be motivated to be nice as well…
He caressed her flesh with his shoved hand, brushing her sensitive spots with his fingers and even scratching a bit with his nails… It seemed to work… the coil of her agile tongue became a bit tighter… He felt her slowly going up… The caress of her warm muscle became insistent… maybe a bit too insistent? That was in his head… She was nice… and she was obviously on the verge of becoming nicer, probably inspired by his own attempt to serve her pleasure… He couldn’t help but smile when he felt her lips applying a tighter pressure on his waist, sucking gently…
Wait… She… sucked? Indeed, his body was slowly sliding further through her lips… She was getting a bit too carried away…
“Hey, dragon, this is becoming too much for me…” He said with an awkward smile, petting her muzzle to remind her he wasn’t any random toy or prey. “Maybe you could just stay at the classic things, don’t you think?”
She didn’t seem to listen, or even to hear what he just told her… Eyes closed in a pleased frown, she kept slurping slowly, her lips now sliding around his lower belly… She probably didn’t intend anything bad but he had to stop her; this became unpleasant… maybe she’d listen if he called her by her name… what was it already?
“L… Lucy?” He called her, tapping gently on her snout. “Please… it’s kind of scary for me now…”
She was still deaf to his protest, purring in enjoyment… He had to cut it out. Pleasure was making her overdoing it! He started to pull his hand back of her female parts…
“Now, maybe you’ll listen to me… I said… Woooah!”
As soon as he got his hand out, she pulled on his legs with her coiled tongue, sucking at the same time… In a blink, he was slurped between her lips until he was finally entirely in, the lips sealing after him…
He held his breath…
And he heard a delighted moan coming from the depths as the tongue came wrapping him… This wasn’t good… No, this wasn’t good… Being trapped into a dragon’s maw, enclosed by sharp teeth, was everything but good… Maybe had he overestimated her gentleness… by the pleased sounds that emerged from her throat, he could now realized that she didn’t enjoy him only for the nice sensation he had worked so hard to give her a moment ago… She enjoyed him… as a prey…
“Lu… Lucy? Okay, I’m scared now… could you just… let me go?”
“MMmmmh…” He heard as a unique answer while the tip of her tongue was sneaking under his clothes…
She apparently tried… to remove them? He gave it a quick thought… What to do?
His priority was to get out there… But when he tried making her opening her jaws, all he got was another pleased moan… He couldn’t force her to spread; he had to convince her… What did he have to offer? Nothing… except submission… Dragons were known to be dominant by nature, maybe he’d get results by doing what she wanted?
Anyway, he didn’t have any other Idea… and it was way too hot for him in there… He quickly got off his shirt and pant, only keeping his underwear, and dropped them on her tongue.
“There… That’s what you wanted, right? Now you could…”
Once again, he couldn’t end his sentence… Her powerful tongue raised his body and pressed it against her palate, interrupting him… only to spit… his clothes… This devil just wanted to get rid of what was probably tasteless to her! And he had foolishly removed them thinking he would get a favor in exchange! All he got were powerful tongue rubbing and pleased moans that made her entire maw vibrating… She was enjoying… his taste!
Over his anger, a growing fear invaded him… he was in the maw of a carnivorous creature that seemed quite happy with what she had in mouth! He had to think! He had to find a way to get out! He had to…
Too late…
Before he could think of anything, he was mercilessly shoved into her tight throat as she swallowed hard… All that surrounded him was pulsing flesh that contracted around him… pushing him deeper into a smooth slide… flesh that stretched easily on his way… but the most terrifying was the huge moan of delight that resonated around him…
She deeply enjoyed him… like he enjoyed good dishes… No, even more… He had never moaned like that swallowing good food… The way she loudly liked having him sliding down her undulating throat was beyond his comprehension… And that made him lose hope… How could a creature give up something she enjoyed this much? Finally, he felt his body entering something roomier, before following them into a hot chamber… and he knew enough of basic anatomy to know where he was landing… The gurgling noises were also an obvious clue…
He was in her stomach…
“Not fair, dragon! You told me you would release me!” he protested.
“I only said I wouldn’t hurt you physically. And I didn’t… It will be painless…”
Even from where he was, he could distinguish the devious tone of her voice… And together with her words, it was the most frightening thing he had ever heard, given his situation…
“Wait! What will be painless?!”
“Just wait and see, human…” he heard her chuckle.
He felt himself becoming pale… Where he was, he could foresee only one thing happening…
“H…Hey, no! No no no! I did what you wanted! You told me you’d be nice!”
“And I was… I could have bitten or chewed, you know… But I honored my part of the deal… You did great, by the way… Too bad you’re a thief… I could have kept you for my pleasure…”
A chance to stay alive? He had to try!
“Wait, you could! You could keep me! Hear me?! I’m willing to do what you want! Anytime you want!”
“Anything hum? In that case…”
He heard a yawn… and he held his breath… She was probably thinking about it… In any second from now, she would tell him what to do in exchange of his freedom… and he would accept without even hesitating… Just to get out of here…
“Well in that case, be a nice little prey in here, and learn the consequences of your acts. I’m going to finish my nap. Thanks again for the fun…”
“Hey no!” He screamed in horror, punching her stomach walls. “You can’t do that to me! Release me!”
But all he got was a pleased ‘muuuurrr’, that soon turned into a snore… In despair, he even stopped fighting… This was useless anyway… He was going to die in here… This time, he had been too daring, a bit like this extreme sport addicts who overdid themselves until the day they made a bad move that cost them everything… His life was going to end as dragon food…
It was unfair… so unfair! No, he couldn’t even think that… Actually, he deserved what happened to him… if he hadn’t run like a fool into this lair in greed, he would still be at home, enjoying his own dinner… He almost felt like he was going to cry, but he wanted at least to go in dignity…
How long would it last, by the way?
The stomach had reduced on him, probably feeling that food was here… The young human could feel it contracting on him… covering him in fluids… What a horrible death… being killed by things he couldn’t even see, alone in the dark… But how long would it take? He thought he would start to experience a burning feeling, or at least slight itches… But still nothing…
Maybe this dragoness had simply a slow digestion… He wasn’t in a hurry to die, of course, but the wait was a little agony in itself… Nothing was worse than dying… except expecting death to come… and still nothing happened to him, other than a regular squeezing motion that was accompanied by loud gurgling and squishy sounds covering her heartbeats and occasional dreamy moans. Lots of noises and movements for nothing, he thought in morbid humor…
And yet… time flew… Minutes… hours… he had lost the count… He had been there for a while now… and… well… he was still there… Was it an actual case of dragon indigestion?!
As soon as this thought crossed his mind, the walls waved heavily in a rumbling noise. It was always when they were the least expected that the worst things happened… Murphy’s Law at its best…
However, this new series of contraction didn’t seem to be a digestion process… or at least, not in the first purpose of a stomach… He wasn’t being covered in new fluids, nor was he being packed tightly… It was almost like he was being… positioned… pushed against one of the walls… Up, down, he couldn’t even tell where they were… There was only the pressure… stronger and stronger as the walls pressed on him…
Maybe he was going to be crushed, after all…
But something softened, on the top of his head… As if the flesh was… opening? A loud moan resonated around together with racing heartbeats, and he was entirely pushed through this new way…
What… had just happened? She wasn’t regurgitating him… As crazy as it might sound, he would have recognized the feeling of her throat muscles around him… This new place… wasn’t her throat… it was even tighter… so tight he had no possibility of moving… He could only let the flesh around him pushing him further… making him progress slowly… and other delighted moans still echoed around each time an undulation made him gain a few centimeters…
Somehow, he felt humiliated to be enjoyed like this by this creature… What could she invent to make him even more miserable?
In a blink of lucidity, he understood where he was… and she did intend to humiliate him… in the nastiest way he could imagine… If this wasn’t her throat, this was…
No! She wouldn’t dare, would she? She wouldn’t… get him out this way, right? But he sighed as he realized he already knew the answer to this question, for having dealt with this dragoness… Of course she would… This was totally likely to be in her intentions… and from the very beginning… Hadn’t she added the precision that she wouldn’t hurt him physically? Indeed, the only thing that would probably be hurt, was his pride…
Unable to fight his fate anyway, he loosened his body… After all, it could have ended far worse… He could have been chewed on… He could have been digested… And he could have met some unpleasant things there… but she had swallowed whole, kept him for a moment… and was apparently getting him out through a clean way that could have been far less empty…
Somehow, he felt lucky… He wasn’t out yet, but he began to think that this dragoness was some sort of ‘false villain’… a creature that wanted to look ferocious and acted this way, but didn’t mean any harm to the unfortunate guys she caught…
She could have been far less gentle than that, considering the way she had naughtily played with him at his expenses. He even came to the thought she was likely to have gathered this whole treasure especially to trap fools like him…
Anyway, everything depended on what she would do to him once outside… She could as well be a true monster that would finish him off after his humiliating trip… What did he know about her, in the end? She had tricked him shamelessly, after all… He would figure it out soon enough… After a long trip for which he couldn’t even estimate the duration, he saw a dim light ahead… the light of the day!
So he had been in there the whole night?! It didn’t matter… He was too tired… He could do nothing but letting his host doing the last deed… The exit opened… He was pressed out… and he fell heavily on a leaf pack… He was out….
In a blink he remembered the man who had said to him he wouldn’t get out on his feet… how right he was…
He felt a smile spreading on his face… He was out… finally out… breathing some fresh air felt so good… he rolled aside… he couldn’t wait to see the sky…
But his smile faded when he saw the grinning face of the dragoness… This time, fear filled every cell of his body… After what she had already done to him, she was still there, smiling deviously… She was going to finish him off, for sure!
He closed his eyes when he saw her raising a paw, ready to be run through by a claw, or crushed…
“Your clothes.” He heard her chuckling. “You don’t want to get cold, do you?”
He opened his eyes when he felt something light falling on his chest… something that still was partly soaked in saliva… his shirt and pants?
He looked at her… After all she had made him go through, she cared about him getting a cold? Was she kidding or mocking him?
“W…Why…” He managed to articulate weakly.
“I think you’ll remember this lesson, thief. Now you know what awaits those who try to rob me.”
“You… let me… live?”
“I don’t care about your life. Kill a human, and ten other come. But letting you go after this? I think this would be dissuasive enough to other thieves… Anyway… You can rest a bit here. But once you’re fine, out of my territory!”
In surprise, and maybe with a bit of amusement, he watched her getting away, back to her cave, and he let himself go on the leaves to rest from his misadventure…
Smart… She was really smart… This was indeed the cleverest way to get rid of annoyance like him… like a bad advertising… or a good one? He knew some people who would be more scared from death than from what he had lived… All this was confusing…
Did she try to get rid of thieves, or did she try to… get more? Her mind was probably the most mysterious he had encountered… He would think better with a good rest and a shower…
And maybe after that, who knows… maybe he would try again…