Chapter 1: Fatal Version Chapter Text Dale and Darla were two chipmunks. They were brother and sister. One day, a storm blew in and they were trapped beneath trees, luckily not crushed, but trapped nonetheless. They cried out for help but, for a long time, nobody answered. Finally, from the air, they heard a voice calling "Where are you guys?" Excited and full of hope at being rescued after hours of being trapped, they cried out "We're down here! Down here under the tree! We're stuck and can't get free!" "Glad to help." Thunderclap said, seeing them. However, instead of letting them go after freeing them, he seized both of them. He began to lick Darla over. After licking her, he put her into his mouth and sucked on her. Once he was done with that, he began to move her toward the back of the throat. She struggled but he was too strong for her. He swallowed with a powerful gulp.
Dale watched with horror as the bulge that was Darla went down Thunderclap's throat, finally disappearing as she came to rest in his stomach. "You son of a bitch! You swallowed Darla!" he bellowed. "Not to worry, she was only the first course. You're the second." the pterosaur laughed evilly. Dale, who had been worried about his sister's safety, now greatly feared for his own as Thunderclap began to move him toward his open maw. Some minutes later, he swallowed Dale with a powerful gulp, as he had done with his sister. Dale was moved, screaming and fearful, down the throat, peristalsis moving him along. He soon fell through the lower esophageal sphincter and collided with Darla in the stomach. The two quickly tried to find a way out, standing on each other's shoulders and trying to climb back up the throat, as vain as they feared it was. They were only able to open the esophageal sphincter and start to try and make their way up the throat when their hands lost their grip on the slimy through wall and they both fell back down into the stomach.
Thunderclap laughed and rubbed his stomach with his wings. He could feel them squirming inside. He knew they wouldn't be leaving his stomach until after they were digested first. He licked his lips, savoring the remainder of their flavor that remained in his mouth.
Though he loved to eat furry critters, being a pterosaur, he still enjoyed fish. Therefore, he ate plenty of fish, to wash down Dale and Darla. The two critters were pelted with fish, still living and flopping fish, in his stomach as he continued to eat. Once done with his meal, he emitted a noisy belched. This belch shook the stomach and hurt the ears of Dale and Darla. It also pressed them, as well as the still flopping fish, against each other as the stomach contracted as the air left. They would have died from lack of oxygen had not more arrived when Thunderclap took a nice long drink after finishing his last fish.
Over the next several hours, they continued to struggle in the stomach. After a few minutes of being eaten, the fish had all died from lack of air. Now, their bodies were beginning to stink, making the two critters nauseous. However, a worse problem began when acid began to enter the stomach. The tried harder than ever to escape the stomach now, but could not. They itched and scratched as their skin as the acid began to burn at it. Soon, the skin began to peel off, forming blisters on the naked skin. After all of their fur was burned off, their muscles began to go next. They were screaming in pain by this point, smelling their own burning flesh.
Thunderclap rubbed his stomach, enjoying the feeling of their struggling. The gurgling was growing louder and louder inside of his stomach as the digestion intensified. He wondered how much longer the two critters could last.
Dale and Darla were now hugging each other, knowing that they couldn't escape. Over the next several hours, their muscles were burned off and their eyes were blinded by the stomach acid. Finally, Darla succumbed to the stomach and Dale two minutes after her. A short time later their bodies were split apart by the acid.
Over the next two days, they were digested and pumped trough the intestines.
In the afternoon on the third day, Thunderclap, feeling the need to relieve himself, flew to the top of a mountain. His cloaca, the vent and chamber where urine, feces, and gas were released, opened, emitting several farts. These farts echoed down the mountainside and caused a small avalanche.
His vent opened and it began to dispense whitish goo, like an ice cream machine. The cloaca spewed out the semi-solid urine, sending it trickling down to the snow below it, staining it with the fetid mess. PHHHHHHBBBT! More gas escaped out his vent as more urate was excreted. This glop of goo contained fur clumps, undigestibles left over from the recently digested rodents.
PHHHHBT! PHHHHT! PHHH! More gas escaped, followed by the first clumps of feces. These were laced with small bone fragments, bleached white by the stomach acid though tainted grey and brown by the feces they had been encased in. Soon, more waste came out, this time containing some of the teeth of his late meals. Thunderclap had swallowed and digested prey several times in his life, so his cloaca was by now used to excreting such indigestibles.
SPLURRRRT! SPLURR! SPLLLL! Several globs of semi-solid urate followed the feces, quickly exiting his pulsating cloaca and splattering on the snow below. Thunderclap began to move his rear around in a circle, which caused the pee coming out of his cloaca to form a circle of urate as it fell and landed down below.
His vent everted once more as more solid waste began to crown out of it. This clump of shit contained more fur as well as leg and arm bones. The next clump of waste that was squeezed out after this contained spinal vertebrae and more fur and teeth.
After excreting liters more of semi-solid liquid waste, Thunderclap felt a large amount of pressure against his vent. UNNNNNH! UNNNNH! UNNNNH! He grunted hard. PHHHHHHBT! PHHHHBT! PHHHH! Gas shot out of his vent. He soon squeezed out Darla's skull. Several seconds later, he also pushed out Dale's skull. After emptying out the rest of his waste, Thunderclap then wiped his cloaca clean. After he was done, he flew off, leaving the remains of the two critters behind.
Re: Thunderclap's Treat
Posted by DinoVore5 on July 18, 2022, 4:19 pm, in reply to "Thunderclap's Treat"
Chapter 2: Non-fatal version Summary: A non-fatal version of the previous chapter.
Chapter Text Dale and Darla were two chipmunks. They were brother and sister. One day, a storm blew in and they were trapped beneath trees, luckily not crushed, but trapped nonetheless. They cried out for help but, for a long time, nobody answered. Finally, from the air, they heard a voice calling "Where are you guys?" Excited and full of hope at being rescued after hours of being trapped, they cried out "We're down here! Down here under the tree! We're stuck and can't get free!" "Glad to help." Thunderclap said, seeing them. However, instead of letting them go after freeing them, he seized both of them. He began to lick Darla over. After licking her, he put her into his mouth and sucked on her. Once he was done with that, he began to move her toward the back of the throat. She struggled but he was too strong for her. He swallowed with a powerful gulp.
Dale watched with horror as the bulge that was Darla went down Thunderclap's throat, finally disappearing as she came to rest in his stomach. "You son of a bitch! You swallowed Darla!" he bellowed. "Not to worry, she was only the first course. You're the second." the pterosaur laughed evilly. Dale, who had been worried about his sister's safety, now greatly feared for his own as Thunderclap began to move him toward his open maw. Some minutes later, he swallowed Dale with a powerful gulp, as he had done with his sister. Dale was moved, screaming and fearful, down the throat, peristalsis moving him along. He soon fell through the lower esophageal sphincter and collided with Darla in the stomach. The two quickly tried to find a way out, standing on each other's shoulders and trying to climb back up the throat, as vain as they feared it was. They were only able to open the esophageal sphincter and start to try and make their way up the throat when their hands lost their grip on the slimy through wall and they both fell back down into the stomach.
Thunderclap laughed and rubbed his stomach with his wings. He could feel them squirming inside. He believed they wouldn't be leaving his stomach until after they were digested first. He licked his lips, savoring the remainder of their flavor that remained in his mouth.
Though he loved to eat furry critters, being a pterosaur, he still enjoyed fish. Therefore, he ate plenty of fish, to wash down Dale and Darla. The two critters were pelted with fish, still living and flopping fish, in his stomach as he continued to eat. Once done with his meal, he emitted a noisy belched. This belch shook the stomach and hurt the ears of Dale and Darla. It also pressed them, as well as the still flopping fish, against each other as the stomach contracted as the air left. They would have died from lack of oxygen had not more arrived when Thunderclap took a nice long drink after finishing his last fish.
The two chipmunks knew that they needed to find a way out of the stomach if they wanted to avoid digestion. Clearly, going back up the throat wasn't an option. After some searching, they found the entrance to the small intestine. However, they were having difficulty prying it open. To add to the desperation of their situation, acid began to enter the stomach, digesting the fish as well as them. Soon, the fish had all died (a combination of lack of air and the stomach acid) and the two chipmunks had had their fur burned off. ERRRRRRRRRP! Thunderclap let out a loud belch. This belch contracted the stomach, squeezing the two chipmunks against each other as well as the dead fish. It also pushed their digested-off fur out his mouth and onto the ground as a sort of pellet. The two critters in his stomach would have died from lack of air had he not taken another drink of water.
Feeling tired from the digestive process and it being after dark by this time, Thunderclap went to sleep. However, the two chipmunks in his stomach continued to try and escape into his small intestine. As the acid began to burn at their bare skin, turning it red and blistered, they finally were able to open it enough to crawl through and escape the stomach.
"Wonder where this way lets out?" Darla asked. "Don't know, but it's got to be better than dying in the stomach." "What part of the creature is this?" "Not sure. I think we're out of danger though. We're not being digested anymore." "Yes, that's a relief at least."
The traveled through the small intestine, being pulled at by villi and squeezed through the tight bowels. Though uncomfortable, it sure beat being boiled alive back in the stomach.
Eventually, after many hours of twists and turns, they finally saw that they were reaching the end of the small intestine. "Wonder what's past that?" Dale said. "Perhaps it's a way out of here." Darla said hopefully. However, she was mistaken. It wasn't a way out of Thunderclap at all but merely the entrance to the colon. Once they were squeezed through the opening into the cecum, they could tell that the atmosphere was quite different. Though the passage was not as tight, the air smelled far worse.
They soon deduced from the smell of the waste around them where they were. "We're in its butt!" Darla moaned. "Not where I'd hoped we'd come out, but at least we're still alive." Dale said. They traveled through the rest of the colon and entered into his cloaca, where his liquid and solid wastes were stored. They were coated in solid waste and semi-solid liquid waste for 18 hours as the chamber filled up. Finally, Thunderclap felt the need to relieve himself.
He positioned his cloaca over a big hole in the ground, which led to a cavern below, with water about 10 feet below his vent. HIs cloaca opened up and he grunted, forcing out waste. At two points, he felt something hard come out, probably the remains of the critters. After he was done relieving himself, he wiped himself and flew off.
Meanwhile, Dale and Darla, who had fallen into the water below, had been hit by his cascading waste. They felt cold in the water after being in the pterosaur's hot innards for so long. After they washed off in the water, they went looking for a place to stay warm, having been drenched and having had their fur digested off. They would work doubly hard to avoid predators in the future.