Scuttle swallows, digests, and excretes Sebastian.
Chapter 1: Hungry Bird
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Chapter 1 Hungry Bird
"When King Triton finds out that you're helping his daughter learn about humans .." Sebastian began to berate the seagull.
"No ####ing way! Ariel's Triton's daughter? Princess of Atlantica? I've been talking to a princess all this time?!" Scuttle gasped with feigned incredulity. Of course, he'd known damn well that Ariel was Triton's daughter, though the two were as unlike as could be, save in their shared stubborn strong wills. He'd considered it special that Princess Ariel had come to him with forbidden knowledge about the human world.
Of course, the last thing he needed was a by-the-books palace pipsqueak to go squealing on him to the sea king. Not only would that put an end to his sessions with Ariel, but the king, known throughout the seven seas for his hot temper when pissed off, was likely to turn him into roasted chicken with that trident of his.
"You mean she's never told you?"
"Maybe she did, but it must have not sunk in. I'm a bit of a bird brain, you know, cuz I'm a bird, ha ha ha."
"You don't fool me, featherbrain! You and Ariel have been meeting for several times, talking about the human world."
"Well, she was interested and, well, how could I say no?"
"You can just say 'No!'"
"Please don't tell!"
"It's my duty to tell."
Scuttle was worried now. He didn't want King Triton pissed at him. He could flee and go into hiding, but that would be a boring life. Or, he could.....yes he could do that, as long as nobody knew he did it. And, it didn't seem like anybody would know he would do it, as he and Sebastian were alone.
"Can't we talk this over a bit?"
"No. I suggest you come quietly and maybe the king will go easy on you."
"Sure thing. Just I want to go check something out before I go, in case I get jail time."
"You probably will. But I'm going to need to keep an eye on you, in case you try to flee."
"Don't worry. I don't plan on fleeing."
When he lured the crab to his planned location, he ambushed him, quickly stripping him of his shell and binding his claws with lots of seaweed. "Now, to have a snack!"
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Watch me!" He raised the crab to his mouth and began to lick him. The crab flinched but could do nothing as he was very coated in saliva. Then, his head was shoved into the bird's mouth and Scuttle began to suck on him with a SCHLUCK! SCHLUCK! SCHLUCK while also licking his middle with a THEWP! THEWP! THEWP!
Scuttle moved him slowly in further and further. Sebastian pleaded to be let go, but Scuttle just ignored him. He screamed for help, but the seagull had planned it too well. Nobody was nearby to hear his screams.
By the point that the crab was at least halfway into the bird's mouth, Sebastian was putting up a hard struggle. Scuttle wasn't sure if he could continue to hold the creature, who, even with his claws tied, was proving hard to down. However, an idea occurred to him. His tongue flicked across the crab's gonopods. "No, not there!" he whined.
"This should end your struggling." the seagull said.
Sebastian wouldn't have minded the prodding of his genitals, had it been one of his lovers. Being a top official in Atlantica did have certain perks, such as being a favorite for making love with by the hot girls. However, this wasn't making woopie, it was a seagull trying to swallow him. Despite his efforts to resist the poking and prodding of the tongue, it soon proved too much and he ejaculated as his gonopods were overwhelmed.
Scuttle thought that the crab cum was rather salty and bitter-tasting. Still, it was worth ingesting if it meant having this very meaty and filling crab in his gizzard. He used this opportunity to put all but his telson into his mouth.
After sucking on the telson for a minute or two, the seagull began to move the telson into his mouth. "No, don't swallow!"
"Next stop, my crop!"
"No, no, no!"
"Bye bye!" Scuttle gathered saliva and moved it toward the crab, who screamed in terror. He tilted his head back.
GULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPP! The seagull swallowed with a powerful gulp, sending Sebastian fully into his throat.
There was a loud gulping sound around Sebastian as he was pitched into the throat. "No, don't swallow me! Stop!" he wailed hysterically. The throat pulled him down with peristalisis. He was very coated in saliva, which surrounded him. The air grew warmer and warmer, as well as fouler and fouler, the further he descended. After a few seconds, he came to a stop in the bird's crop: food storage organ. The crop was very cramped, forcing Sebastian into a small ball.
"MMMMM! Great meal!" Scuttle sighed, licking his lips and rubbing the bulge in his neck that was the crab.
"Help me! Help! Someone help me!"
"Sorry fella. You're all alone. Nobody knows you're here, and Ariel isn't gonna mention anything as she wasn't supposed to be here. I got you for playtime!" he cackled, rubbing the squirming bulge in his neck.
Chapter 2: Meat in a Bird's Belly
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Chapter 2 Meat in a Bird's Belly
"Let me go this instant, you foul buzzard!"
"I may be a fowl but I'm no buzzard. And I'm not holding you."
"You know what I mean you...arghhhh, it reeks in here!"
"Let me clean it " the bird said mischievously.
Sebastian could hear an ominous gutteral rumbling coming from the depths of the bird. It moved up from the stomachs below, up through the crop, and out the beak.
Naturally, this just made things worse for the crab, whose eyes began to water from the odor of the putrid belch. "Ug, that was so revolting!"
"That came from down below, where you're going, sooner or later."
"No, no, no! Spit me out! I promise I won't tell the Sea King!"
"I wish I could believe you. If I leave you in here, I can be sure you won't tell."
"No, no, no! I'm not bird food, I...."
"It looks like you're inside of my crop right now. That makes you bird food."
"Let me out! Let me out!"
"Can't do that. I have to digest food first before I let it out."
The crab tried to ram the gut wall, but there was little he could do in such a confined space. "He he he! That tickles! I should have had live prey ages ago!"
Scuttle went and gambled with other birds, using Sebastian's shell in place of fish, the usual fare. He won the big jackpot, meaning he got lots of fish. These he all downed, filling up the crop. Then, to Sebastian's horror, he sent him into the first stomach, the proventriculus. Acid soon began to burn at him.
Scuttle, meanwhile, traded in the shell, for it wouldn't do him any good to be found with it, for yet more fish, which he again filled his crop up with. By this point, Sebastian's skin had all been burned off and he was very blistered. Still, he struggled. The acids had burned loose the seaweed binding, but the proventriculus left him almost no room to move about. To make matters worse, the extra fish soon came down to join him.
He was stewed in the proventriculus for many hours, the fish being digested and Sebastian being digested down to his muscles, making him twitch involuntarily. He was squeezed downward into the gizzard.
"You have a second stomach?" the crab gasped.
"Gizzard. Grinding stomach."
"No, not grinding!"
"Time to process you."
"No! Let me go! Let me go! Please! I don't wanna die!"
"I can't let you go till I have a bowel movement. And that won't be for a few days."
"No, let me go now! Let me go now!"
"You're too far down."
"Let me go this instant."
"Nope, don't feel like it."
The gizzard soon set to work on him. His gonopods, already burned, were soon ripped off by the gizzard's harsh digestion, making him shriek in a higher octave. Scuttle belched and rubbed his stomach, making the crab vomit. The grinding continued, ripping off limbs slowly. Soon, the ribbing and grinding proved too much and the crab died.
"Well, now I just have to wait for nature to take its course." the seagull sighed, patting his churning belly and settling down for a nap while he digested his meal.
Chapter 3: Bird Bowel Movement
Scuttle poops out what is left of Sebastian.
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Chapter 3 Bird Bowel Movement
Scuttle's body continued to process and digest Sebastian. The crab had been a very filling meal. He had been so filling, in fact, that it took Scuttle twice the usual time to digest his meal in the gizzard. After the gizzard was done with it, the material was pumped down into his small intestine. The villi absorbed all the nutrients, the waste material and indigestibles being sent through the rest of the small intestine and into the large intestine. The large intestine removed water from the material and sent the solid mass through. After reaching the bottom of his rectum, the poop arrived at his cloaca, a chamber where feces, uric acid (birds produced semi-solid liquid waste in their kidneys, and, lacking a bladder, sent it to the cloaca, where it was sent back into the colon for water absorption), and semen exited the body.
On the afternoon of the third day after swallowing the crab, the seagull was on a beach, amusing himself with another human toy that he'd found. He hadn't the faintest idea what humans used it for. In fact, he never did, though he never had told Ariel that, letting her think him a know-it-all. He did, however, find a use for it for his needs. The object, binoculars, helped meet a pressing need of his.
Due to his quirky personality, he had trouble attracting females, especially in convincing them to engage in intimate activities with him. But, like every other guy, he still had a libido. Talons weren't conducive to masturbating, especially since his cloaca hole was situated on his butt, rather than his front. These binoculars could make a good substitute for a female's cloaca.
Most birds, including seagulls, lacked a penis. Instead, they made love by pressing their cloacae together and rubbing the vent lips together in a cloacal kiss. The small end, the eye side, of the binoculars, was what he was using. Rubbing off was great!
While the binoculars weren't moist and fleshy like a female's cloacal lip, the extra bulge made up for it, hitting his sensitive spots and pleasuring them. He rubbed and rubbed until he climaxed. After getting semen on one side, he switched to the other.
He had just finished his second rub off, and was about to wash off the cum-soaked binoculars and go through the cycle again when he heard Ariel coming. He quickly hid the binoculars, washed his semen-coated butt and tail feathers, and flew over to meet her.
"You look extra pleased with something." she remarked.
"Let's just say I found a human toy that was extra fun."
"Can you show it to me?"
"I would, er, but I seem to have temporarily misplaced it."
"Well, I hope you find it."
"Me too."
"Speaking of misplaced, nobody's seen Sebastian in three days."
"It's not like him to go missing. He's always been so punctual."
"I know. I fear something bad has happened to him!'
"Let's hope not. I'll certainly keep an eye out for him."
"Thank you."
"So, what do you have to show me today?"
"Ariel showed him some items, and he made up some baloney about what they were for.
When he was done explaining, Ariel thanked him and turned to go. She had almost sank beneath the waves when a large quantity of gas burst out of his cloaca. It was as though Sebastian had made one final, albeit futile, attempt to signal to Ariel of his fate and the seagull's guilt. It succeeded in attracting her attention, but that was the extent of it.
"Scuttle! Was that you?" Ariel gasped.
"Sorry, something I ate upset my system." PTHHHHHHHBBHHHH! Another burst of gas followed the first.
"What did you eat?"
"You find all sorts of odds things along the shore." BRRRRTHHHHHTTTT! PTHHHHHBT!
"Ug, that reeks! Maybe I should get going!" Ariel gagged, fanning the air.
'Yes, I think that would be best. I think I need to go relieve myself."
"Well, see you soon." Ariel said, before quickly diving under the water.
"Not to worry Sebastian, you won't have to wait too much longer to.get back to the sea." the bird said to his butt.
Scuttle flew two furlongs out to sea and rested on the rear of a merchant ship. The crew were too busy slaving away below deck and on the stern to pay him any heed. "The poopdeck. Can't think of a more fittingly-named place to have a nice big shit." he sighed.
He meandered his way over to the top of the deck, hoisted his rear end over the edge, and lifted his tail feathers out of the way of his cloaca, revealing the magenta colored puckered mound and horizontal ventral slit beneath. "Time to let her loose!" he hollered.
He sucked in his chest and grunted. His guts squeezed, pressing from his gizzard, through his intestines, and down to his rectum and cloaca. His butt muscles squeezed on the mass of feces in his lower colon, propelling it forward. What came out first, however, was the gas. The foul air burst out of the vent with a noisy fanfare, fluttering the seagull's tail feathers. "Woah Nelly!" he exclaimed.
As more farts exited out the vent hole, further fouling up the air, uric acid dribbled into his coprodeum, the top of his cloaca that touched his rectum. Then it went into his urodeum, the midsection of the cloaca that contained the ureter to the kidneys and the sperm ducts, mixing with more uric acid that came from the kidneys. Then, the gooey white waste product entered the coprodeum, the lowermost chamber of the cloaca.
As more farts exited the bird's butthole, he could feel the urates nearing the vent. The cloaca twirled as the white gook shot out, coming out the vent hole like mustard being squeezed out onto a burger, making a SPLORT! SPLORT! SPLORT! sound as it exited his body.
Some of the white goo landed on the side of the ship, splattering it with a white block, which had a segment dripping down from the impact site and dribbling down the side. Other bits of it hit a carved marble statue placed on the rear of the boat, the white mess making it look like it had white hair and a white mustache. And the rest landed in the water, floating for a bit in a foaming mass before sinking below the waves into the depths.
Scuttle released more urates with more SPLORT! SPLORT! SPLORT!s. Then, he felt something more solid enter the bottom chamber of his cloaca.
UNNNNNNHHHHH! He grunted. His butt muscles squeezed a lot of feces forward. The lump began to crown out of the cloaca, as the hole expanded outward to accommodate the mass. Its appearance was that of a twist ice cream, the front, coated in urates, and the back, a fudge-like blackish brown. Poor Sebastian! His once-handsome form had been so changed that it was indistinguishable from the rest of the mass of bird butt fudge that was also composed of the fish he'd eaten.
As it exited the quivering and pulsating hole, it made a squelching PWICA! sound. The mass continued to distend, making more PWICAs. A few farts exited as well. Eventually, gravity won out and the lump of waste broke loose, falling with a PLOP! The waste contained a few small bones of the late crab. It plummeted like a stone toward the water below, eventually hitting the surface with a SPLASH! before disappearing beneath the waves.
Scuttle released more gas, urates, and feces. More bones were among the waste. Since he'd eaten so much, this process took a long while to do.
At one point, he felt a large mass pushing against his vent. It had to be the crab's skull. He heaved and grunted with a long and labored UNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHH! He leaned his gut forward, pushing against the edge of the boat. This caused his gut to give a great squeeze and slowly, he eased the skull out the cloaca. Finally, it fell out, its color bleached white, its eye sockets and mouse filled up with feces and urates. It exited with many a PWICA!, fell with a PLOP!, hit the water with a loud SPLASH!, before finally sinking out of sight.
"Man, that's a relief to get that out!" he sighed.
The rest of the feces and urates were expelled out the cloaca. When the last bit of waste was out, he flew to the shore, seized a glob of seaweed, and wiped the vent lips clean.
That was all the fanfare Sebastian got for his final sendoff. Had the citizens of Atlantica known he was dead, they would have given him a stately funeral with trumpeting fanfare. As it was, the only trumpeting fanfare he'd gotten was the gas leaking out of a seagull's butt as he took a crap.
"Well, that's the end of the Sebastian affair. I don't suppose that anyone will ever find him now. He was a delicious and filling meal. Ariel has some tasty friends. I'll need to find some way to get alone with that fish she hangs around with, Flounder I believe his name is. He'll be great squirming around in my belly and be even more filling than the crab. In the meantime, I'll go find a nice snack. After all, having a big cloacal movement like that works up an appetite!"