on March 13, 2024, 5:01 pm
Chapter One: Swallowed!
"Toothless, where are you bud?" Hiccup called. He was looking for his Nightfury friend. Despite his village's hatred for all things dragon, he had injured this Nightfury, whom he'd named Toothless, due to his retractable teeth, and helped rebuild his tale, helping him to fly again. So far, nobody in the village knew about this forbidden friendship. Some day, he hoped to tell his girlfriend, or at least he viewed her as a girlfriend, Astrid, but for now, they were alone in the world.
Hiccup had come to feed the dragon again. He fed him fish, and this time the dragon ate them all without spitting any part of them out as a "gift" for him. It seemed to him that the two were bonding well. Little did he know how much of a trickster the dragon could be, though he was about to find out. As he turned around to head back to Burke, he was suddenly seized from behind. "What the hell!" he cried. Toothless had seized him with his forepaws and began to raise him into the air.
The dragon giggled. "Toothless, stop it now!" Hiccup cried. The dragon brought him to his mouth and began to lick. The coating of saliva matted down his hair and made his clothes stick to his body. "Toothless, cut it out! You're ruining my clothes!" Toothless ignored him. While he had decided that killing the boy for food would not do, for her liked him too much, the dragon thought that maybe a little taste inside his mouth couldn't hurt. So he slowly brought the boy in, legs first. "No, Toothless no!" the boy cried. Toothless pushed him further in. He did sure taste good. Maybe bringing him in a bit more might satisfy him. So that's what he did, bringing him further in until half his torso was inside the mouth.
Hiccup was in full panic mode now. "No, gods, no! Don't eat me!" he cried. This couldn't be happening! He couldn't let himself get swallowed. If only he'd brought something to fight back. But he'd not brought a weapon. He had to hope that voice commands alone could talk the Nightfury out of it. Soon, only his head remained out. "Don't do it!" he bellowed, struggling as the tongue pulled him further in.
Toothless was really enjoying the whole thing. Surely, it couldn't hurt to bring him all the way inside. And so, that's what he did, bringing him fully inside the mouth. He snapped his mouth shut, before beginning to poke and prod the boy with his tongue. This was so fun! Maybe, just maybe, he could swallow. Feel the boy squirm within him. After all, as long as he drank enough water, the boy shouldn't digest. Yes, that's what he would do.
Hiccup could only scream helplessly as his feet were dragged into the throat. Then his torso, and finally, his head went over the edge and into the esophagus. He could only scream in horror as he went down the esophagus, propelled along by muscles, until he came to rest in the stomach. He'd just been swallowed whole by a dragon!
Chapter 2: Stomach
Hiccup couldn't believe he'd just been swallowed whole by the dragon! That Nightfury had been so friendly and now he'd swallowed him. Still, he hadn't chewed him up. Maybe the dragon was just being playful and had gotten very carried away. "Ok Toothless, that was very funny! Ha ha ha! I'm laughing! Now the joke's over! Spit me out!" he said.
The dragon rubbed his stomach, feeling the human inside squirm. It seemed that the human was not happy. Still, he would survive, if his plan worked out correctly. "EERRRRRRRRP!" the dragon belched. The air left the stomach, making it hard for the human to breath as it was all expelled out the dragon's mouth in the belch. However, before Hiccup could pass out, the dragon had swallowed more air, filling back up the stomach.
"You little bastard!" the dragon heard the muffled voice of the human shout from inside his stomach. The dragon still felt hungry. Perhaps if he ate some fish but drank plenty of water, the fish would digest but the human would survive. Yes, that was what he would do. Eat fish, keep the human alive, and feel as he squirmed inside his gut. It sure sounded like fun.
"This is not funny Toothless! Not funny at all! I am not supposed to be in your stomach! I am not food! You wouldn't want to digest me, would you? I mean, would you?"
Toothless realized that the human was right. He should drink some water soon, so as to neutralize any acid so that the human would not be digested. And so, that's exactly what he went and did, drank several gallons of water. These, of course, all splashed the poor Hiccup. While he may not have liked being doused, he had to admit that it helped cool him down after being in the hot air of the stomach.
Hiccup didn't know what the dragon was up to. Had he grown bored with him and had decided to swallow and digest him? "Toothless, you can't digest me. There will be a lot of people unhappy if I don't come back.". This was mostly a lie. He was seen as a loser in his village. Only his father Stoick, as well as his sole friend, Astrid, would be unhappy if he never returned. WHAM! He punched the wall of the stomach. This accomplished nothing, save hurting his fist. Aiming a kick at the stomach wall similarly only succeeded in getting him a sore foot.
Toothless could feel the human struggle inside of him. There was no way that human would be getting out, unless he let him out. But he didn't feel like letting him out. Those struggles felt so good! Over the next few hours, he continued to poke and prod at the human trapped inside of his stomach. Hiccup was starting to get claustrophobic. While he wasn't too cramped for space, being inside the dark confines of the stomach had started to make him panic. "Let me go! Let me go you stupid dragon!" he bellowed. Toothless giggled and rubbed his squirming belly. ERRRRRRRP! He belched again, but once more breathed in air for the human. EERRRRP! EERRRRRP! More belches, followed by breathing in air.
"Oh gods, this is so annoying! Toothless, you ####ing bastard, cut it out and spit me out, now!" Hiccup bellowed. The dragon just giggled and rubbed his stomach. The human would spend the next 40 hours inside the stomach. The dragon didn't digest him, due to him continually drinking water to neutralize the acid. He didn't want to digest him, just have fun rubbing his bulge as he wiggled in his stomach. Drinking all this water made Toothless have to pee a lot, but he didn't mind. After all, the only thing his piss did was kill the grass. New grass would grow, eventually, so he didn't mind.
"What's this dragon up to?" Hiccup wondered aloud. He doesn't seem to be trying to digest me." His thoughts were interrupted as the stomach started to drain. Soon, he was squeezed through a hole at the bottom of the stomach and into the intestines.
Chapter 3 Small Intestine
Hiccup couldn't believe it. While he wasn't going to be digested in the stomach, being moved into the intestines meant one thing: he was going out the back door. Out the ass, out the rear, the pucker, the anus. And it was going to be very unpleasant, exiting the dragon's tailhole along with his leftovers. Still, at least he'd be able to live. But right now, he wasn't near the back door, merely entering the duodenum. The small intestine had a lot less room to move than the stomach had. And its gas was much fouler, smelling of digested food and chyme and bile from the liver. "Toothless, you have really done it this time!" he snapped. He heard snoring. The dragon, tiring of rubbing him in his belly, had just gone to sleep. "Oh course he'd go to sleep!" Hiccup groaned. Besides, he was too far down to come back up the way he'd come in, so the dragon being awake really would do nothing to ease his discomfort.
Soon, he felt villi tugging at him. He pummeled these, which soon woke up the dragon. RNNNNNNNH! ROOOOOOOOARRRRR! RNNNNNNNNH! The roaring was deafening! Though it felt good to pay the dragon back for the misery he'd put him through, the strain on his ears just was not worth it. So, he was silent as he was moved through the rest of the small intestine, a process which took about 14 hours. At least, as he reached the end of it, he braced himself as he entered the colon.
Chapter 4 Large Intestine
Hiccup's nostrils were immediately assaulted by the foul stench of dragon feces. This was where the dragon's meals of fish, and who knows what else, had begun to ferment. This was where the waste went, the material not absorbed by the small bowel. And he was here along with it, for the rest of the ride. And it certainly wouldn't be a pleasant ride! Slowly, he made his way through the large intestine, the colon removing the water from the waste, leaving hard lumps, which compacted around him. Worse still, for him, was all the gas that burst past him on its way out the dragon's anus. Toothless was clearly eating something that wasn't doing well on his system. And things were progressing slower in the colon, due to all the water removal. So it took him many long hours, in which he vomited many times.
At least I got more detail than they'll ever get back at Burk of dragon anatomy. He thought gloomily. Still, he knew he was getting closer and closer to the exit and would only have to put up with this shit, literal shit, for a while longer. And, soon enough, he was reaching the lower stages of the colon. By now, a lot of the water had been removed and the fermentation made the stench worse than ever. Still, that had to mean he was getting close to the backdoor.
After two more hours, he reached a final bend in the tunnel. Slowly, he fell into the rectum, the last portion of the large intestine. It would be the worst torment, as it was where all the stool was collecting. Still, the anus, though he couldn't pry it open, was right in front of him. One bowel movement and he was out! He just now had to wait for nature to take its course. Every dragon had to poop eventually.
Chapter 5 Pooped Out
Unfortunately for Hiccup, the dragon didn't poop that night, meaning he had to wait as stool continued to pile in. It was a job for him not to be buried so badly in the feces that he would be suffocated. After a long night of struggle, he still had enough air spaces to breathe. Just when he thought he couldn't keep tunneling out dragon after pellets for another hour longer, he felt the dragon start to stir.
"Come on boy, take a shit already! I want out!" he called.
The dragon could hear him, albeit muffled. But he had to go anyway. And it was time to let the human go. He'd had his fun with him. So, he bent down into a squat, lifting his tail out of the way of his anus. He felt lumps come out as her grunted. With a powerful UNNNNNNH! and some very loud and smelly farts, he squeezed out the human. But he kept pooping, sending log after log out his anus with a PLOP!
To add to Hiccup's trouble, not only did he have to deal with falling shit, which he couldn't avoid, as he was still encased in the mess, but also urine was coming out of the dragon's large penis above with a PSSSSTS!, sometimes splashing him and making foaming puddles on the ground and also all over the poop as well. He was as soon wet with piss as he was coated in feces. He was glad when the dragon finally finished pooping and peeing.
"You are a very very bad dragon!" he shouted angrily. The dragon just giggled, waiting around for him to get out. And, after an hour, he did get out. He dragon just stared at him with a silly grin on his face. "I'm not giving you treats today! That wasn't funny at all. Now I'll need a bath and to go home! I'm not sure if I'll ever come back after this!"
Toothless frowned at him and whined. "NNNNNNGH!", giving him a look of very sad and cute eyes.
"Ok, fine, I'll go wash off, go home, and be back as soon as I can. But never, ever, eat me again! I mean it!"