on February 8, 2024, 12:18 pm, in reply to "Can a 10ft ish python take out a 40 pound Siberian Husky?"
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Hi everyone! I guess this is me looking for advice and a bit of an introduction. Sorry if anything in this violates any rules, the stuff I saw when I made this account seemed rather boilerplate, but I couldn't find anything else any where, So if this post-violate something, please feel free to get rid of or tell me what I need to correct.
to start with. I'm A bit of a noob when it comes to vore. I am definitely no stranger to kink and taboo though. I've been heavy into kink for many years BDSM, Beast, Humiliation, Pet Play, Slave Master...I actually found this place through some BS furry the call out post, regarding one of your members.
I have this furry sub, that among other stuff has a vore kink. That I assumed is more centered around they're being a furry sub than anything else. Not long ago, we were talking about messed up stuff lol when they brought up, how their father did/does keep some really large snakes, and how he would feed them stuff like live chickens, raccoons, opossums, and i think even a sick puppy ounce. Seeing all these things getting crushed and eaten really turned him on and it's something that they spend a lot of time fantasizing about. I also made them show me some videos, and I must admit there's something that's very satisfying about watching as a dome. They live with their father who is going to be on a month's long cruise, So it will just be my sub, me, and his snakes. I am hoping to provide both him and some very lucky snake dinner and a show.
But enough of the above. I have what some might say is too many dogs. One of them in particular is a very disagreeable Siberian Husky bitch who has more than once viciously bitten me and nearly all of my pack. She also doesn't put out, either for me or even my males lol This useless bitch weighs in at a little 40lbs, and the thickest part of it's body is about 20in around. His dad has several pythons that are around 10ft long. So do any of you kind people known if it is possible for a python of that size to take out and devour that Peace of fluffy trash? lol Or am I crazy? I've seen several videos of K9's getting taken out, but I have a hard time telling how big the snake and dog is in those videos.
TLDR, Can a 10ft ish python take out a 40 pound Siberian Husky?
PS: I've also attached some pictures of the hopefully soon to become meal if that helps.
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