Chapter 1: Devouring
"Ok, wise guy, where's Margalo?" Perry Falcon looked down at the mouse that was challenging him. The fool! Brave, but still a fool. The mouse had a tiny bow and set of arrows. The mouse may have thought that those could harm the bird, but the falcon knew better.
"She's fine. You just go home and nobody will get hurt." Falcon said, glaring down at the mouse. RRRRGGH! GLOORG! RURRRR! Falcon's gizzard growled. He hadn't eaten in a while. Perhaps if this mouse didn't get the hell out of here, then......
"I want to see her. She just left without saying anything. That's not like her."
"You don't know her, then. She doesn't want to see you. Go away, if you know what's good for you!"
"I'm not leaving until I see her and know that you haven't done anything to her."
"Ok, fine." Falcon said, before seizing Stuart with his talons and carrying him into another room. "Look's like we have a guest, Margalo."
The canary shook her head. "I already told you Falcon, that he wasn't going to be involved in any of this. I'd get your ring and....."
"Ring? What are you talking about, Margalo?" Stuart asked.
"I took a ring from the Littles. It was Falcon's idea."
"No, it was ours together!" Falcon snapped.
"What? Margalo, tell me you didn't come to me just to steal?"
"I did at first, Stuart, but I came to like you. I wasn't going to go through with it, but then Falcon came and threatened to kill you if I didn't do it. So I took the ring and left, hoping that I could protect you."
"Yes, and you should have stayed the hell away after that, mouse! " Falcon snarled. "Now, there's a witness. I can't have that. I think it's time to do a little drop off." He carried the mouse toward the edge of the tower. Stuart knew what he was going to do.
"Falcon, wait, you don't have to do this! I promise I won't tell anyone! Just let me go!"
"Let you go? As you...." Falcon paused, about to release his grip on Stuart and send him falling to his death. He heard something, like a box being opened. It was his loot box! It was where he and Margalo kept their filched loot. The bitch wouldn't dare! he thought angrily. Still, just to be sure, he set Stuart down on the edge of the tower, knowing that the mouse would have to go down the stairs, which were some distance away, and that he could outfly him. He flew into the room where the loot box was and saw, to his great fury, that Margalo had taken the ring out. "Put that back now, you bitch!"
"Let Stuart leave and I'll give it back!"
"He's seen too much!"
"Let him go!"
"Give me the damn ring, now or you'll be sorry!" He lunged at her, trying to seize the ring with his talons, but she moved it out of his reach.
"I've had enough of you! All these years I've been doing your dirty work and been treated like your bitch! If you don't want to find a new partner, you'll let Stuart go, now!"
"Give me the ring now! I won't ask again!"
"You want it" she said, putting into her beak. "Go get it!" she swallowed it, sending it down to her crop and out of his reach.
"Bad move, girl!"
Falcon flew into her, knocking her into a wall and breaking her wing. She got up slowly and painfully, not able to fly. "You may have thought" Falcon chuckled, as he seized Margalo "that your little action here would get me to forget about your mouse friend. Well, you're wrong! You're going to wish that I'd dropped him instead." He picked her up, put her into the can that he locked her in when she needed an "attitude adjustment" and then flew off, looking for Stuart. Thankfully, he didn't have to look far. Stuart, hearing the attack on Margalo, had come running into the room.
"Let her go, now, Falcon!" he shouted. He fired at arrow at the bird, which hit him. However, it did nothing more than feel like a tiny pinch.
"You just don't know when to quit, do you mouse? Well, I'll put a stop to you and show Margalo here what happens to those who defy me!" Falcon seized Stuart, carrying him in his talons into view of Margalo. "You swallowed my ring. I think I'll swallow your friend!"
"Falcon, no!" both Stuart and Margalo pleaded.
Falcon ignored them and positioned Stuart in front of his beak. The mouse struggled, but it did him no good. He opened his beak, making the mouse gag and retch as the bird's breath washed over him. His tongue flicked across the mouse's face. "Cut it out! I swear I won't tell!" Stuart pleaded.
"Falcon, don't do this!" Margalo cried.
Falcon ignored the two of them and continued to lap at Start, until he head was totally caked in saliva. Then, he tossed the mouse up in the air with his talons, positioning his beak right where Stuart would land. As Stuart landed in his beak, he snapped it shut. Next, he began to push the mouse forward with his tongue. The mouse was spun around in the dark by the tongue until he was dizzy. His whole body was coated in saliva. He was still disoriented as Perry Falcon moved him into the back of his throat. "Falcon, stop!" he cried.
"So long mouse!" Falcon laughed, before downing Stuart with a strong GULLLLLLLP! The mouse struggled, but could do nothing as he was squeezed down the esophagus by peristalsis. As soon as he was deposited into the crop, he tried his best to make the bird vomit him up. "Sorry mouse, but my crop is too strong for that." Falcon chuckled.
"I must say Margalo, that you have great taste in friends!" Falcon laughed, licking his lips.
"Falcon, you monster!" Margalo cried.
"Not to worry, girlie, I've still got room for seconds. But I figured that I'd have a bit of fun with you, first."
Before Margalo could react, Falcon pulled her out of the can and slammed her on the floor. He flipped her onto her side so that her cloaca, her opening for solid and liquid wastes, as well as for reproduction, was visible. Falcon lowered his own cloaca, which had swelled with arousal, on top of hers. His was more than twice the size of hers, but he didn't care. As their vents kissed, he sighed while Margalo screamed. "Come on girl, you know you've always wanted some action. Girls would beg for a chance to get in bed with me!"
"Off you pervert! Leave my cloaca alone!"
"And spoil the fun? You know you've always wanted a kiss from me."
"Falcon, get off of me...."
She was cut off as the large bird pressed his lips against hers, holding her beak shut with his larger one. "Look, we're kissing on both ends. How romantic!" Falcon continued to rub his cloacal lip against hers, sighing deeper and deeper. Tears streamed down the canary's face as she was pinned down, unable to speak, helpless as the falcon violated her cloaca. Finally, he hit climax and cummed. A bunch of semen shot into her cloaca, filling it up, though, due to the size disparity, some of the discharge got on Margalo's cloacal lip and all over her backside. "I must say, Margalo, you make a good lover. Alas that this relationship of ours is fated to be a mere one-night stand. Now that I've had my fun, it's time for lunch!"
Margalo, raped, humiliated, and with a broken wing, could do nothing as Falcon licked her over and then, like he had with Stuart, tossed her up in the air. He repeated the procedure he had with Stuart, dizzying her with his tongue and then sending her down his throat while she was disoriented. "Let us out!" the two cried.
Falcon rubbed the bulge in his throat in his crop region. "Now the fun begins!" he laughed maliciously.
Chapter 2: Digesting
"Let us out, Falcon!" the mouse and bird cried.
"That was a good meal!" Falcon sighed contentedly. URRRRRRP! He belched, sending a rush of foul air past the mouse and canary. The bird rubbed the two bulges in his crop with a wing, taking pleasure in their torment. "I think I'll wash this meal down." he said. He flew out of the tower and down to the street, seizing a candy bar from one man and a just-opened bottle of soda from a woman and then a hotdog from a child, before flying back to the tower with his loot. He ate the hotdog first, slicing it into bits with his talons. Then he ate the candy bar, sucking on it until it melted in his mouth, splattering Stuart and Margalo with the soupy mix in his crop. Lastly, he downed the soda, soaking Stuart and Margalo.
"Well, my crop is full, so I think it's time I sent you two to the proventriculus."
"Falcon, no!" Margalo cried.
"Don't do it!" Stuart yelled.
"Bye bye." Falcon laughed. An opening appeared underneath the two, and they were squeezed through, eventually coming to rest in the first stomach, the elongated, but cramped, proventriculus.
"Falcon, get us out of here!" the two cried, banging on the stomach wall.
"Please keep your hands and wings to yourselves. The stomach acid will be here to digest you momentarily."
Naturally, this just made them pound all the harder. EERRRRRRP! A very foul belch zoomed up past them from the gizzard below, making them hurl. "I think it's time for some dessert." He flew down once more from the tower, seizing an ice cream cone from a small boy and flying back up to the tower with it. He slowly licked it for several minutes before crunching on the cone and swallowing it all whole. He soon emptied his crop, sending the cone and ice cream onto Stuart and Margalo in the proventriculus.
Stuart and Margalo were continuing to frantically pound on the stomach wall. They would have attempted to ram it as well, but there wasn't enough room in the stomach for them to do so. Margalo tried pecking her way out, but her beak wasn't sharp enough to do more than tickle Falcon's proventriculus. "Keep struggling. It does nothing, save amuse me." Falcon laughed, rubbing his belly with his wings. He lay on the ground, relaxing as he massaged his stomach. After half an hour of the bird and mouse being inside his proventriculus, acid began to slowly trickle in. At first, it just made the two itch. It was just a further annoyance to the foul air and cramped space. However, as time went on, the itch began to intensify to that of a sunburn. They rubbed at their skin, trying in vain to push the acid off and keep it from soaking in to their fur and feathers.
As the digestion slowly intensified, he increased the rubbing of his stomach. "Hope you don't mind if I rub a bit. It helps the digestive juices settle in." he said.
The two were screaming frantically now inside of his proventriculus. Feathers and fur were being burnt off of them by the acid. Worse still, the organ began to contract as it began to process them, seeing them as only meat. "Falcon, you have to let us out!" Margalo cried.
"I don't have to do anything. In fact, I can do nothing. My stomachs will do all the work for me."
Time slowly went by. The two had their fur and feathers burned off. Stuart involuntarily cummed on Margalo several times as his manhood as singed by the stomach acid. Eventually, evening arrived. "Dinner time. It's Taco Tuesday!" Falcon laughed. He flew down the tower and stole first a taco from a woman ordering from a taco truck and then went down the street to steal an open bottle of soda from a young girl. He returned to the tower with his loot. These, he two downed, filling up his crop, which he soon emptied into his proventriculus. Sometime later, he said "Time to send you two to the gizzard!"
"No!" the two cried. But the floor of the first stomach opened up, sending them down a tube and into the gizzard.
Here, the digestion set on them in earnest, starting to rip off their flesh. The bird's stomach gurgled increasingly louder, and the screams of his two prey intensified. The two were now in agony as the gizzard contracted against them, breaking bones and ripping off skin and flesh as the acid soaked into them. Their eyes were being burned off, the acid seeping into their bones, blood pouring from wounds, puss oozing out from infections. Stuart's penis was burned off and his balls were close to being lost. Margalo's cloaca had been burned open and her proctodeum and urodeum were now being blistered with acid. Still, it this was a long and slow process that took hours. Their struggles weakened slowly as the night progressed. Finally, around midnight, Falcon felt his gizzard stop wiggling. "Great meal!" he said, giving his stomach a pat, emitting a loud belch, and then going to sleep while he continued to digest his now dead prey.
Chapter 3: Disposal
Over the rest of that night and throughout the following day, Stuart and Margalo's corpses were broken down into gooey chyme, separating from the indigestibles such as bones, teeth, fur, feathers, Margalo's talons, and Stuart's tail. This was all eventually pumped into the small intestine, where the nutrients were absorbed. The waste was sent through the short colon, and, by evening, came to rest in the cloaca. Falcon felt a pressure in his backend. He seized a newspaper that he saw blowing in the breeze. This would prove useful. He went to the can, the one that he had kept Margalo in when she was bad. How appropriate that he put her here one last time.
He moved his rear over the bucket, lifting his tail feathers out of the way of his cloaca. He began to read the paper. "Little family looking for lost family member and bird friend. Stuart Little disappeared yesterday afternoon, looking for his bird friend Maragalo, who also unexpectedly vanished....." BRRRRT! PHHHHHT! PHHHBT! Gas exited his cloaca. SPLORT! SPLORT! SPLORT! White urates shot out of his vent, splattering into the can below. Some of the urates were laced with feathers and mouse fur. "....The family is worried for Little's safety......" PWICA! PWICA! PWICA! Greyish black feces crowned out of his cloaca, laced with mouse and bird bones. The lump fell into the can with a PLOP! "Anyone with information on the whereabouts of the two should call......" UNNNNNNNH! UNNNNNH! Falcon paused reading, grunting as he strained at something large trying to come out of his cloaca. With effort, he excreted Stuart's skull. Soon thereafter, Stuart's clothes came out of his tailhole. "Hmmmm, I could use these as a trophy." Falcon paused emptying his wastes, tore off a section of the newspaper, and picked up the clothes, using the paper to clean as much of the waste off as he could. Then he resumed squatting over the can as he resumed voiding his cloaca.
".....1-055-2331. Stuart had been adopted by the Little family last year and is a cherished member of the family......" PLOP! CLINK! The ring fell out of Falcon's cloaca. "Ahhh, my ring! Back at last!" He paused emptying his wastes again and tore off another section of the newspaper and pulled the ring out of the can and cleaned it off. He then resumed voiding his wastes. SPLORT! SPLORT! SPLORT! Urates exited again, shooting out of his pulsating, gaping cloaca like a squirt gun. PWICA! PWICA! PWICA! More bones, fur, feathers, feces, as well as teeth, Stuart's tail, and Margalo's talons exited his vent. "......Margalo, the missing bird, is a fun-loving canary who met Little a week ago and had vanished the other day. Despite a police search, no sightings have been reported....." UNNNNNNH! UNHHHHHH! Falcon grunted hard. It was another skull, no doubt. UNNNNNH! UNHHHHH! "Come on! Ohhh, lots of pressure! That kind of feels good!" After over a minute of pushing and grunting, he finally forced Margalo's skull, as was as more bones, feathers, and fur, out of his cloaca. The pressure on his vent had caused him to ejaculate, meaning that semen had exited along with the feces, urates, and the leftovers of Stuart and Margalo. "My, Margalo, you are something. You have pleasured my cloaca on both ends of the vent now!"
"A reward of $500 dollars is being offered to anyone with information that can bring Stuart Little and Margalo back safely." Falcon finished reading. "Too bad that won't happen!" the bird laughed, as he continued voiding out the rest of his wastes. When he was done, he tore another section off of the newspaper, this one containing a photo of Stuart and Margalo, and used it to wipe clean his cloaca. Then, he picked up the can and carried it to the edge of the tower. He saw a garbage truck going by below. "Time to take out the trash!" he said, before dumping the can, spilling the wastes and the leftovers of Stuart and Margalo so that they fell, landing right into the truck as it went by. "Nobody will ever see those two again now!" he cackled. He then went back into the tower, looking at a letter he'd made. It was out of clipped newspapers and was pasted, with glue he'd stolen, onto a stolen piece of paper. INTERESTED IN FUN AND EXCITING WORK? HAVE THE ABILITY OF FLY? PLEASE SEE MR. P FALCON AT THE TOP OF THE TALL TOWER FOR MORE DETAILS. "That should do it." Falcon said. He carried the ring, intending to wash it off later, to his stolen treasure box. He also put the clothes of Stuart and Margalo's family heirloom pin on the wall. These would make great trophies, and also serve as a visual lesson of what happened to those who defied him. "Off to find a new assistant." he said, before flying off, carrying the paper, plus some tape that he'd stolen, heading out to go post the ad for a new assistant. As he left, the breeze caught the feces-stained piece of newspaper, containing the picture of Stuart and Margalo, that he'd used to wipe his cloaca, and blew it off into the air, carrying it away from the tower.