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It's been two weeks since Heather and Adam got pulled into a portal and arrived in this new world, yet despite it all, all they have for a lead on how to get back to their world was a cryptic pictograph etched in some ruins detailing 4 ancient artifacts that when combined might open a gateway to other realms. Fortunately for them, most of the folks in this world share the same language from their world. Unfortunately for them, most of them refuse to help, on account that to most locals, Adam is considered a dragon and most give them a wide berth or just outright run away. Whatever conversation they could manage past the large dinosaur can only give them rumors or old local legends.
One clue she managed to pry from a traveling merchant, after trading a technical console which the merchant thought was a magical artifact, is that there is a naga named Sarayi somewhere in the eastern desert ruins. The merchant said this naga knew the lay of the land well, and might know the location of one of the said artifacts. However it was said that this particular naga is particularly hard to deal with and even then her presence in the area is just pure rumor and speculation.
Even if she was dealt a poor hand to work with, Heather had yet to give up hope, after all she had her trusted companion, Adam with her. They devised a plan on dealing with the naga if she ever proved to be troublesome. They traveled to the eastern desert ruins posing as weary travelers in the hopes of attracting their quarry.
Heather waved to Adam to hide nearby while she set up camp near the ruins. She made sure to appear careless, intentionally dropping some contents of her pack to show that they’re ladened with valuables. Perfect bait for their slithering bandit. Sure enough, she heard rustling in the nearby foliage.
"Stay where you are and nothing bad will happen to you." A feminine voice came from behind Heather causing her to freeze up. "Now slowly turn around."
She compiled without the slightest of resistance. Infront of her stood a naga, a half-snake-half-humanoid creature, the scales on the lower half of her body glistening with a gorgeous baby blue, her upper body was athletic, wrapped with a simple brown cloth that covered her bosom. She had red hair and her face sported a scarf-like mask probably made from the same material as her clothes. She brandished an ornate dagger and held it to Heather's neck.
"Oh! I’m just a poor wandering traveler from distant lands. What can I do for you?" Heather asked with a grin as she stared at the golden dagger pointed at her. "Trade some valuables perhaps?"
"Well, valuables are in my interests, but I won’t be trading for them." The naga declared under her mask, closing the distance to Heather in a frighteningly fast motion, brandishing her dagger, "Alright! Fork over all your shiny stuff!"
Heather noticed Adam slowly moved towards the Naga from behind, prowling ever so quietly as the loose sands dampen his heavy footsteps. Unable to resist, she broke into a smile.
"Hey, What's so funny! Can't you tell you are being robbed?" The naga said, the fact that this human wasn't treating her seriously irked her. Just as she was about to ready her dagger for a strike, something warm and wet grabbed hold of her tail. "What the-"
The naga turned around only to find a monstrous beast she had never seen before grab hold of her lower body with its maw. The naga flew into a panic state and immediately dropped her dagger. She could feel the giant monster tasting her, his tongue playing with her tail. "W… What is that THING!"
"Adam!" Heather exclaimed in delight, almost answering the naga question as she watched the dinosaur slurped more of the Naga tail into his jaw. She fully relaxed knowing that the naga is now completely disarmed.
"NGRR…" the t-rex replied as he tugged a bit more of the naga into his maw, but she was already trying to slither out. But each time she did so successfully, he simply slurped her back in.
"Get this thing off me!" The serpentine bandit cried out as she pushed against the T-rex snout in an attempt to free herself. The T-rex let out a snort before giving her a quick tug in response. The sudden pulling motion sent the naga to the ground, her upper body landing against the loose sands. It was enough to get her off balance, her mask slipping off in the process. “Gyaaagh!” the bandit cried as more of her tail was pulled into the toothed maw of the reptile.
Adam continued to slurped on the Naga, Her frantic protestations fell on deaf ears as he continued to suckle on her form, gulping slowly as Her tail entered his throat.The taste of the Naga was divine and he was savoring every single moment of it, the feeling of that serpentine tail wiggling in his gullet only made the process all the more enjoyable. He closed his eyes and wrapped his tongue around another inch of her, pulling her in just a bit more as he coated her in a new layer of saliva. At this point, the T-rex no longer needed to keep his lip sealed around her, his muscular throat had enough hold on her, where he could let the natural peristalsis of his gullet pull her in.
Sarayi spun onto her back to find out what exactly was happening. She saw the large reptile smirking at her before opening up his toothed maw, giving her a clear view of the passage she is currently being sucked into, almost like the large beast was teasing her while swallowing her alive. The pinkish flesh of the jaws greeted her as it reverberated to the sound of Adam’s gentle growl. She groaned in disgust, feeling the slime cling to her already swallowed tail section, the undulating motion of the dinosaur’s peristalsis, and the warm breath washing over her body. She desperately wrung her tail already inside his gullet in an attempt to slow down her entry into the prehistoric predator or perhaps make him gag and cough her out. But the scaly coils found no purchase on the peristaltic pulses of the rex's esophagus as each swallow sends inches more of her into the fleshy abyss.
“ARGH! Wait!” She shouted, “Not like this! No! NO!”
The naga turned around, with her belly against the t-rex’s tongue, giving her a clear view of the outside world from between the T-rex’s teeth. She tries everything she can that can possibly give her some sort of leverage to free herself, but the closest she could find is the T-rex hard palate. But even then, the ceiling of Adam’s maw is far too wet and slippery for her to even slow her descent let alone halt it.
"Hrk! Can't… Grab hold!" The naga said as the T-rex perked his head up in the air to send more of the naga down his throat. All that was left were her arms and her head.
"Woah! Adam! Be a bit more gentle with her." Heather called out to Adam. Injuring their quarry would make convincing her more challenging, especially when the method of her capture and subjugation was essentially being eaten by a dinosaur. "We need her unharmed." Heather reminded him, though she is certain her scaly companion is already skilled in the gentle handling of captured prey.
"By the moon! I'm being pulled in!" Sarayi cried out as she grappled Adam's squirming tongue in her final attempt. She knew her struggle wouldn't make a difference, but she wasn't planning to be an easy meal for the giant beast.
The T-rex raised and tilted his head back with a loud and audible gulp, sending the panicking naga down into his throat. Her cries and protests muffled and soon, smothered with subsequent gulping sounds as she slips down into the muscular tunnel
"NO! ARGH!" Sarayi cried out, as the view of the outside world disappeared from her sight, replaced by the warm pinkish red of the Dinosaur's flesh. She fought against the strong muscles as they tugged on her. She managed to create some resistance, but it only lasted for a few milliseconds. And each time she did, she felt a low pleasured growl from the dinosaur. She was slowly sinking, and the deeper she got, the harder it was to fight against the powerful gullet. Yet, the swallowing motion wasn't hurting her, in fact it was much the contrary. As she found the motion somewhat soothing.
Adam yawned, feeling his jaws click back into place after finally swallowing down his writhing prey. He gave a pleasant growl as Heather walked closer to inspect the aftermath, following the bulge the naga makes in the dinosaur’s throat go down into his belly. It settled down in the T-rex’s paunch, with slight movements coming from inside.
getting a guide pg. 2:
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"Alright! We got her!" She said with a smile before placing her hand on the squirming bulge. That naga sure is feisty, she gave his throat a gentle rub, in response she received a gentle purr from the T-rex.
The naga, was growing tired a little as she felt her tail, entered a new chamber, another tight sphincter wrapped around her form as she slipped through. It didn’t take too long for her to be emptied into the new chamber.
She was fully aware where she was and she was not happy about it at all. She pushed against the wall and shifted around, slithering around the chamber in an attempt to upset the Dinosaur's belly but all it did was sway to her motion. The naga tried to push at the opening which she came from, but it was tightly sealed, and it wouldn't bulge.
The T-rex groaned as he tilted his head up in pleasure before giving a sigh, the naga wouldn't stop moving and he loved every single moment of it. He was certain that both him and his human could hear her muffled voice. He felt two gentle hands pressed against his belly, before letting out a satisfied purred. He looked down and noticed Heather was gently rubbing against the bulge the naga made in his belly.
"Oh wow. She is really persistent." Heathered said as she ran her hand gently in a circular motion,kneading at Adam's soft, scaly belly and feeling the struggling naga even with flesh, muscle and fat between her and the swallowed prey. There was the sound of gentle gurgling, but Heather knew full well that Adam’s current guest is perfectly safe.
“Get me out of this place! It’s disgusting!” Sarayi demanded, as she shifted around inside, trying her best to get a comfortable position, but each time she did the stomach would sway to her movement, making it extremely hard to get settled. She thought she was making some progress in her attempt to upset the beast’s stomach, but when she heard what sounded like a delighted groan from Adam, she thought she wasn’t anywhere close to bringing any form of discomfort to the scaly beast.
“Quit enjoying it! You stupid brute! “ Sarayi punched the wall, but its rubbery nature absorbed the impact like it was nothing, her hands simply slipping into the rugae of Adam's stomach. Frustrated, She slumped down into the pit of the dinosaur’s stomach, feeling it churned against her back as she thought of a way to escape. By this time, her eyes have now adapted to the extremely low light that’s somehow still coming through the dinosaur’s body. She could just make out the rough outlines of the constantly moving rugal folds of the stomach. She panted in exhaustion as she made out what looks like the esophageal sphincter from which she came in from. “Maybe I could try and climb my way out.” Slowly, The naga slithered her way upward with much difficulty, before finally balancing just enough to reach the stomach opening. Placing both her hands on the opposite side of the opening, she tried to pry it open. But the more force she applied, the tighter the sphincter clenched. It’s not good. It seems that as long as the “dragon” is aware that she is trying to escape, she won't be able to go back the way she came from.
“Looks like I have to wait for the beast to fall asleep before I can make my escape” The naga said as she slouched against the wall again. More gurgling echoed through her surroundings as she felt herself swaying from side to side. It wasn’t hard to guess that her captor was on the move.
Adam's stomach continued swaying from side to side like a giant soft hammock, with each step the dinosaur took. Every now and then, the wall would roll underneath her, massaging her back, in the process. Though the gastric fluid was not harming her in any way, it seemed to soften her clothes. Her eyes grew heavy, as the naga fought hard to stay awake. She silently cursed at how relaxing the sensation was, as her mind drifted away.
The gentle beat of the beast's pulse lulled her to sleep.
The Naga sprang awake, as she felt her surroundings rumble. She was confused at first but it didn't take her long to remember the event that unfolded earlier. With night falling, what little light she had before was now gone and she was now in complete and total darkness within the dinosaur’s rumbling belly. Without light, her only means of orienting herself is through feeling alone.
"Why can't it be just a bad dream…" the naga lamented as she pressed her finger into the slimy fold as she propped herself back up, before letting out a sigh.
“At least I still got a bit of wiggle room.” The naga thought to herself as she pushed against the wall, forcing flesh to make even more space for herself as a new layer of gastric slimes coat her hand. She was surprised that the fluid had not harmed her in any way given the location she was in and how long she had been sitting here.
Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said about her clothes. It had started to dissolve, now tattered and almost gone. It felt like she had thin wet linen wrapped around her body. She tried to adjust her strap. But the moment she lightly tugged on it, her clothes just came apart, melting further into the digestive fluid that pooled around her.
"Great, that was my only garb." The naga clicked her tongues, as she tried to hold her bosom while blushing despite knowing full well that there was no one else to see her in this state. She could hear muffled talking coming from the outside though she wasn't too sure what her captor were saying.
"You like that, don't you?" Heather teased Adam as she massaged and rubbed the soft and scaly belly of the T-rex. The dinosaur purred and huffed as though agreeing to Heather's statement. When she pressed hard enough, she could actually feel the naga's writhing from within the dinosaur's stomach. "She's tucked up nice and tight in there" Heather chimed as she ran her hand gently against the barely noticeable bulge when she suddenly felt a sudden jerk coming from within, "though i don't think she will be happy with her overnight accommodation!"
Inside the muggy stomach of the t-rex, Sarayi remains persistent in her efforts to escape her predicament, but the heat and the thick, stale air saps her energy, and the slippery, velvety and slime covered internal stomach linings do not make it easy for her to grasp her surroundings. "I have a bit more wiggle room now. I could get out of here if I move fast". She tries feeling her way through the darkness, trying to make out where Adam's upper sphincter is. It was not easy feeling through the fleshy undulations but when she did find it, trying to pry it open was just as difficult when the dinosaur was awake. The circular muscle just clenches right back up when she tries to push her fingers past it. A sudden jolt and clench of her surroundings squeezes her back down to the bottom of the dinosaur's stomach. She lets out a whimper in defeat, stomach juices pooling around her, "I have to escape this…-" her thought was cut short when a warm pucker-like muscle engulfs her hip. A low groan reverberates all around her and Sarayi notices the stomach walls contracting around her. "what was that…?" she wonders, feeling the circular muscle around her hip open up and the stomach walls contract forcefully with a loud gurgle and clench, pushing her body into the dinosaur's bowels with an awkward bend on her hip. "Too… tight…" She groans, the peristaltic motion slowly massaging the serpentine prey through Adam's fleshy pipings. "Ugh… where is this brute taking me…" the naga wonders, though she's secretly relieved that she's no longer at risk of sharing the same fate as her digested garments. Despite her predicament, her fatigue, the rhythmic contractions of Adam's bowels, the heat, the various groans and sloppy sounds all combined to lull the hapless naga to slumber as she is slowly pushed ever onwards through the dinosaur's digestive tract throughout the night.
As morning came, Heather walked up to a snoring Adam, "Rise and shine big guy!" She greeted her friend. "I think that's enough to sap the fight out of her, don't you think?" She pats his scaly snout. "Alright, let's get her out", Heather said with a nonchalant tone, expecting to see the dinosaur open up his maw and let their prisoner out the way she came in. To her surprise, Adam gave a devious smirk as he slowly got on his feet, and turned around, presenting his hindquarters at a confused Heather. For her part, it took a moment for her to realize what Adam is doing, "Oh! Adam, you naughty dino!" she sneered, "even if we did leave her unharmed, I don't think her pride will be left unscathed!", Heather remarked at how Adam intends to release their captive.
getting a guide pg. 3:
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The dinosaur buckled his legs as he hunched over and lifted his thick muscular tail. The darkened, puckered flesh of the t-rex tailhole winked open, parting and revealing its pinkish fold to the human researcher.
There was nothing inside aside from the slime covered rectal walls that lined the visible portion of Adam's bowels as his tailhole closed back up. The T-rex let out a strained groan as he slowly swayed his rear from side to side, baring down a few more times to try and push the serpentine mass inside his rear. A soft gurgling could be heard as the dinosaur left out a gentle purr before squatting again.
Once again the pucker parted a little, at first it was the same as before, but as Heather squinted and peeked closer into the darkness, she could just make out the bend of the inner rectum. A slow moving blue scaly mass slowly inched past the bend, gingerly pushing forward and closer to the flexing tailhole with every groaning push Adam makes.
“There she is”, Heather muttered to herself, amazed at the sticky, musky spectacle unfolding before her. At first, she was puzzled with what she's seeing, Heather had thought that she'd be seeing Saray's upper body first, or perhaps the naga's tapered tail. But she can't quite make out what was the blue mass of scales slowly inching its way out and stretching out the dinosaur's anus.
Sarayi groaned as she was stuck with an awkward bend at where her hip is. She tries to straighten her lower body, but the fleshy walls held her tight, making her unable to do anything other than just wiggle her lower sections and her arms. She could feel the fleshy walls pulsing and pushing her onward. The slimy mucus clinging on to her proved to be excellent lubricant, aiding in the peristaltic movement. Eventually, she started feeling the squeezing to be more forceful, and she could hear the beast's strained groans coincide with each push. The musk in the air is thicker with the distinct earthy scent and she knew she was nearing the inevitable exit. "At least I'm finally coming out" she groaned, feeling a puckered muscle press against the bend at her hip. Cool, outside air wafted over her hip, the part closest to the rear opening, informs her that she is nearing the exit.
Adam strained his lower muscles, feeling the large mass stir in his rear. A groan of effort escaped his maw as he clenched his inner muscles to push his prey out of his colon and into his rectal tunnel. The dinosaur raised his muscular tail and squats to try and ease the naga's passage. Several pushes later, he could finally feel something scaley poking out of his anal sphincter. It is eventually stretched out as the serpentine prey's bent position double's the diameter presented inside the rectal lumen. He felt a tinge of pleasure shoot up his spine as the naga's body drags over where his prostate is, deep inside him. The glistening tip of his member peeks out from its sheath as a result from the unintentional prostate massage the naga was giving him. He growls in pleasure, feeling the bent naga stretch out his anus and the same naga pressing against his loins from within. By the time he's able to push the the naga out, he's already full mast.
"Ooh, that's an awkward angle" As more of the naga is pushed out of the dinosaur's tailhole, Heather realized that it was the naga's flexed hip that was actually protruding out. The slime clinging onto the blue scales glisten in the morning sun as the naga is pushed out of her fleshy prison. The more humanoid upper part of the naga emerges out of Adam's rear with a forceful push from the t-rex. Another forceful push sends the upper body swinging out of the stretched anus with a wet sounding "WLRCH!" and a strained huff of effort from Adam. Heather stepped back to avoid the strings of slime dripping from the sloppy scene unfolding in front of her.
Sarayi's world swung around as she upper body was forcefully pushed out of the slimy, fleshy cavern that was the t-rex's rectum. She squinted as sunlight flooded her vision for the first time in hours after being immersed in darkness for almost a day. Sarayi swung around like a pendulum while hanging from Adam's anus. In order to stop herself from slipping uncontrollably out and likely slamming her head to the ground, her tail, which is still lodged in the rectal tunnel, reflexively wrung around to try and get her some purchase on the rectal lumen. This causes Adam to clench up, securing Sarayi while she hangs upside down from the t-rex's butt. When the swinging eventually stops, she fixes her sharp gaze at the smiling woman in front of her.
Heather smiled at the leering naga in front of her while Sarayi returned the sharpest gaze she could throw at the human. "I hope you had enough time to think about giving up a career in banditry and getting an honest job?" Heather smirked smugly. Sarayi coughed a couple of times before she could mutter a retort "Ugh… what is it you want, outlander?". She finally seems to be more cooperative, and Heather finally pitched her idea. "You see, we needed a guide, and I'm told you know these lands well."
"Tsk, Fine… j-just get me off this" Sarayi replied, careful not to get the dripping slime into her mouth while she spoke. Heather gave a satisfied smile "That's what I wanted to hear." She patted Adam's muscular tush, signaling the dinosaur to push the rest of the naga out, but Adam had other plans.
getting a guide pg. 4:
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Adam uttered a lustful growl as he flexes is anal spincter, clamping down on the serpentine portion of Sarayi and locking her in place. This caught the naga by surprise as she felt the fleshy tunnel grip her and slowly suck her back into the dinosaur's anus. Panicking, she looked for anything to try and stop her re-entry back into the prehistoric predator's rectal embrace. She resorted to clinging on to the only thing within her reach at the time which was Adam's fully erect member. Upon hugging the warm and throbbing pillar of flesh, Sarayi felt the whole dinosaur shudder and clench even more! She still clung tightly, giving Adam more stimulation and encouraged him even more to suck up the hapless naga back into his rear.
"Gyaaah!" the naga cried out, "I thought you were going to let me go!". Acting coy, Heather playfully teased "I was! But Adam waned to get to know you more for a bit longer, it seems!". Several forceful tugs and clenches later, her grip on his member starts to loosen. Soon, she could now feel the clenching anal sphincter hug her waist. Her long, serpentine tail is now completely back inside and she could feel the slime coated muscles tug and pull her back into the muggy confines of t-rex's rear. "H-he's sucking me back in" she protested, as if pleading to Heather to make Adam stop. A strong clench from Adam finally broke Sarayi's grip on his member, making it effortless for Adam to slowly slurp the writhing naga back up.
"H-how is he so strong back here?" Sarayi wondered, feeling the wet, velvety warmth crawl up from her waist to her chest, easily swallowing her exposed breasts, as her now tired arms offer only slight resistance to slow down her entry. She tried to grip the rim of the flexing muscular sphincter to keep it open, and from inside, she could see the outside world slowly being framed by the fleshy ring as her body was slowly drawn back into the musky rear. The view of the outside world is slowly narrowed with each clench of the dinosaur’s tailhole, replaced with the fleshy interior. Her arms couldn’t keep Adam’s anal ring open when it clenches down on her, only pulling the sphincter open when it’s relaxed. From the opening, she could spot a smiling human looking towards her with amused delight at her predicament.
Heather watched the whole scene in lewd fascination, seeing the naga getting pulled back into the dinosaur’s rear, hearing her protest become muffled as Sarayi’s head is pulled past the sphincter. She could just make out Sarayi calling out from inside “My fingers are slipping-” when Adam lets out a strained huff as he clenches down on the naga inside his ass, cutting off Sarayi mid-sentence. Heather saw the anal sphincter wink and clench several more times, each time, the naga’s voice grew fainter and fainter. Adam lets his lower sphincter relax, the anus gaping slightly and revealing the fleshy tunnel leading to the darkness, with Sarayi nowhere to be seen. Heather bit her lip to stifle a moan at the thought of what it must feel like to be swallowed in reverse by a t-rex.
Once again engulfed in the musky and dark confines of the dinosaur’s rectum, Sarayi groaned as is once again trapped inside her predator. The all too familiar sounds of the inner workings of the dinosaur, the muggy atmosphere and constantly undulating rectal walls invade her senses once more, but this time, she seems to welcome the feelings and sensations more now than the first time. She relaxed and let the constant movements of the t-rex’s bowels cradle her, feeling the undulating muscles knead and massage her exhausted body. She closed her eyes and enjoyed this warm and almost comforting sensation, almost forgetting where she actually is “at least it isn’t as bad as I first thought it would be” she admitted to herself. “Oh no, don’t tell me I’m starting to enjoy this too!” She tried to push such thoughts out of her mind, but her surroundings were more persuasive and alluring, and the musky air isn’t helping her make more rational thought, only encouraging her to relax and give in. Besides, its not like she can do much to escape her predicament, so she might as well enjoy it.
She idly moves her long serpentine tail, now lodged deeper within the ancient reptile’s colon, nudging at a particular spot around the bend. This causes Adam to let out a pleasured growl and clench on Sarayi, almost as if coaxing her to repeat that same motion again. Learning that the dinosaur finds it quite pleasing, she presses her tail once more against the now throbbing organ just past the colon walls, earning herself more growls and clenches.
Outside, Heather walked closer to Adam’s belly and placed a hand at the slightly distended bulge that the naga made. “Just keep squirming, he seems to enjoy it!” Heather encouraged the trapped naga, “He’ll let you out a lot faster if you do!”. A muffled unintelligible moan was all the reply Heather could get from within the t-rex’s belly. Though Heather would notice Adam emit a lustful growl followed by a bob from his throbbing, leaking member.
After half an hour, Sarayi was eventually let out, all slimy and covered with slathered with liquid from the dinosaur’s rear, but ultimately unharmed. And with their guide secured, Adam and Heather are one step closer to finding a means of going back to the world they belong.
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