Chapter 8: The Large Intestine
Where am I now? Peter wondered. He soon began to guess where he was: near the cloaca. He had to be. He soon noticed the awful smell of the leftovers of the hawk's meals. The small was putrid like rotting eggs mixed with many day old food. And it wasn't just the smell that he noticed as he entered her ceca (she had two), but the feces itself as well. Though he couldn't see the grayish black mess, he could certainly feel it as it stuck to his skin. Even putting his shirt over his head wasn't a good enough defense. The crap, literal crap, got all over him. What a nightmare!
At that moment, Agnes woke up. "Hey, where, ptttuhhh, yuck, where am I? Ptuuuh!" Peter had tried to ask where he was inside of her, only to get waste in his mouth.
"I think you should keep your mouth shut in my large intestine. It's full of waste as you're getting near my cloaca. I'd say you have about three hours till you reach it."
"Could you try and....ptttuh....poop...yuck....me out? PTUHH! PTUUHHH!"
"I can, but I think you're too far up."
"Just...ptuhhhh.....try anyway...ptuhhh!"
Though she normally took a dump from nearly anywhere, even in the air, Agnes thought it best to land first. This way, when she had a bowel movement, on the off chance that the rabbit was further down in her colon that she thought, he wouldn't fall that far after coming out her back end.
The hawk grunted. Loads of farts moved past Peter Rabbit, making him gag. He could feel the colon moving him forward, though not at a fast pace, just faster than normal. Agnes, meanwhile, looked down to see feces and urates exit out her cloacal vent. However, there was no rabbit, and she was sure that she'd know it if he were there as she'd feel. She kept pushing until her cloaca was empty and the stuff from her rectum was squeezed out too. Still no Peter.
"Sorry, I tried and you're too far up. I'm afraid you're going to have to wait till tonight."
"Can you---ptuhhh---go again---phuttt---later before---ptuuuh---you go bac---puttth--kkk to the house? Ptuuhhh!"
"Stop talking or you'll get your mouth more full of shit. No, I'm not going again till tonight. I'm going to have to hold it all day lest I let you out early, which is going to be painful enough."
"Ok. Ptuuuh!"
Peter realized that the hawk was right. He needn't talk again until excreted as there was no way he could keep the feces from getting into his mouth when he opened it.
"Good. See you tonight." Agnes said, before going back to sleep.
Peter moved through the hawk's colon. The deeper he went, the worse the smell became and the more he was coated in the slimy waste. The villi, present near the beginning of her large intestine, had ceased. By this point, it was only waste material being moved along. Peter was glad that Agnes' body considered him to be waste, as she had told him that if it didn't, that he would be stuck inside of her forever, or at least until her body used up all of his nutrients. This, of course, wouldn't happen as he wasn't digested and thus couldn't be absorbed by the villi. Still, alive or not, it wasn't fun at all to be riding along with her leftover food as it made its way toward the exit.
Finally, shortly after sunrise and the hawk's return to her cage, Peter reached a final bend in her colon. Slowly, he was dumped into her rectum. However, instead of resting against her anus, or cloaca, as she'd called it, he'd fallen into some sort of chamber instead.
Chapter 9: The Cloaca
"Where am....ptttuhhh....I? Is this some....ptuhhh...kind of extra...ptuhhh..ptttuh...large intestine? Ptuhhh!"
"No, it's my cloaca."
"I thought your.....ptuhhhh...cloaca or vent...ptuhhh...or whatever you....ptuhhhh....call it was...ptuhhh....just your butt.....ptuhhhh...hole."
"You're really going to need mouthwash to clean your mouth after inhaling so much of my feces. I told you to keep it shut until you're outside of me."
"What's a cloaca? Ptuhhhh!"
"A cloaca serves three main purposes. One, it's where solid waste comes from my rectum before I poop it out. Two, it is where my ureters dump my semi-solid urates. Three...."
"Wait, your....pthhh....pee comes into....ptuhhhh....here?"
"Yes. It's semi-solid because, unlike you mammals, I don't have a bladder. Makes it easier for us birds to fly."
"So I'm covered....ptuhhhh....in bird piss....ptuhhhh...and shit....ptuhhh?"
"Yes, and inhaling it too by continuing to talk. As I was saying, the third purpose of my cloaca is to lay eggs. The first hole opens into my coprodaeum, the top of my cloaca. That's where you came in. The other two holes empty in my urodeum. That's where my pee comes in and where eggs would come into the cloaca....."
"How do you....ptuhhhhh....lay an egg....ptuhhhh...without getting.....ptuhhh....poop or pee...ptuhhh....on it? Ptuh!"
"You're so inquisitive that even getting feces and urates into your mouth doesn't stop you from asking endless questions. If you must know, my body extends the place where the egg would come into the cloaca right through the vent so that it lays it out directly, thus avoiding the poop and pee. Now, as I was saying before you rudely interrupted me, there is another hole, the vent, also called a cloaca too, and which you call my 'butthole' that is at the end of where you are now, my proctodeum. Tonight, I'll push you out of the vent and the both of us can finally get some relief. Now I suggest you stop asking questions before you get sick from inhaling so much waste."
Peter realized that she was right and that it was best not to say anything more till after he was excreted. He had already learned a lot about bird anatomy, that they had two stomachs (a proventriculus and a gizzard) and a crop and that their back end actually expelled poop and pee at the same time and even could lay eggs.
Time slowly dripped down as Peter languished in the proctodeum. Time wasn't the only thing dripping in either. Solid waste fell in from the coprodaeum and urates fell in from the urodeum. He now understood what Agnes had meant when she said that her pee was different than his pee. He had just gone, again, and it was all liquid. He had also gone #2 as well, figuring that, being inside a bird's butt, it really wouldn't matter if he pulled off his pants and underwear to go. He was glad that, unlike birds, he didn't have to go through one opening. That would sure be messy.
After being in the cloaca for only thirty minutes, he finally saw light for the first time in about two days. The hawk had a burst of flatulence that exited out her vent with a loud and smelly PHHHHBT! As the vent opened, even briefly, he shielded his eyes from the little bit of light that came in. With this short burst of light, he could see grayish black solid waste and whitish urates. He could also quickly take in four holes. One was at the end of the rectum and was in the corprodaeum. Two were in the urodeum, one the ureter and the other the passage where eggs came out. Beneath him in the proctodeum was the vent. This was the exit to the hawk's body. Now, all he had to do was wait till it was safe for the hawk to squeeze him through it. He sighed. It was going to be a long and agonizing wait.
Agnes also was feeling that the wait was slow. While she wasn't having to breathe in her own feces and urates and intestinal gas, she was feeling a sharp literal pain in her butt that was Peter Rabbit. She had squeezed unfertilized eggs, having remained a virgin so far and thus never had any hatching ones, though, she had had one suitor who had been interested and she was thinking that maybe, when this was all over, she would take him up on his offer as a sort of reward for her troubles with the Peter Rabbit ordeal, out of her cloaca before and that was a bit painful. But squeezing a whole rabbit out, that was going to be far worse. And to add insult to likely future injury, she couldn't reliever herself at all that day, and she normally went a few times a day. She also sighed. She agreed with Peter that it was going to be a long day.
While Agnes, as best as she could with the strain on her cloaca, went about her normal day, Peter's day was his worst ever. Not only did feces continually pile up on him through the day, but her urates kept landing on him. He was sure that his clothes were going to be ruined at this point. Now, he was beginning to fear that, even after excretion, that he wouldn't ever get the smell of the feces and urates and other smells of the bird's digestive tract out of his nostrils or off his body. It was all he could do not to hurl at the awful smell. And he didn't want to hurl because he hadn't eaten in over a day. Having long ago digested what he had foolishly thought was going to be his best feast ever, his stomach now was growling emptily. And he was thirsty and had nothing to drink, for he was not going to drink the hawk's urates, no matter how thirsty he was.
Finally, nightfall came and the hawk was released. He could feel as she flew off. "I am going to release you in about a minute. Get ready to drop." Agnes said.
Peter braced himself. The hawk grunted and her cloaca begin to pulsate, he could see a lot of light come in, even though it was night, there was still more light than he'd been exposed to in about 60 hours. The waste in front of him began to exit out the vent with a SPLAT and a SPLORT, depending on if it was feces or urates. However, as he himself reached the opening of the vent, his legs began to go through. However, his body was having a much harder time going through.
UNNNHHH! OHHHHH! UNNNNNNH! UNNNNH! AHHHH! The hawk grunted and groaned and pushed, as though she were laying an egg. However, despite her pushing, she couldn't manage to get the rabbit's torso through. Finally, after three minutes of a failed attempted to dislodge him out of her cloaca, she finally relented, and he was pulled back into her cloaca.
"What the hell! PTUHHH! PTUHHH! PHHT! What gives? I thought you were.....PTUHHHH! PTUHHH! going to shit me out! PTUHHH! PTUHHH!" he snapped.
"I'm afraid you're too fat. I'm afraid we're just going to have to wait till you slim down a bit to go through and the waste behind you creates a strong enough force to push you through."
"How long will....PTUHHHH....that take? PTUHHH!"
"I'm afraid only time will tell."
Chapter 10: Failed Excretion
Peter Rabbit was horrified. He'd hoped that his living hell inside the hawk was going to end tonight. But now, he was too fat to come out her vent and thus was stuck inside her cloaca. A frightening thought crossed his mind. "What if I....ptuhhh...never get out....ptuhhhh....of here and...ptuhhhh....I get buried....ptuhhhh....in your waste? Ptuhhh!"
"Hopefully, that won't happen. If you never get out, we're both going to die. You, from being buried alive. Me, from a severe case of constipation."
Peter couldn't help but laugh at her remark, despite his situation, and despite getting waste in his mouth from doing so. The idea of dying from constipation did seem hilarious.
"That's not funny! Don't make me regret not digesting you!"
Peter stopped laughing. "Any idea how to...ptuhhh....ptuhhh....get me outta here? PTHHH!"
"As I said, the best idea is for you to slim down a bit from lack of food and for the waste behind you to act as a force pushing you outward. Hopefully, that'll happen before you get fully buried."
The night went on. The hawk made a few more attempts at vacating her cloaca, but they were all in vain. The young rabbit was like a plug, blocking up her vent. UNNNNH! UNNNNNNNH! UNNNNH! She grunted hard, her cloaca pulsating and opening but only a part of the rabbit able to come out. His waist was still too big to fit through her vent. "I'm sorry, it's not working." she said after her final attempt that night to try and poop him out. "I'm afraid you're going to have to wait till tonight."
"Tonight? PTUUHHH!"
"Yes. Unless you want me to poop you out where you can be seen."
Agnes had eaten more than usual that night. While she normally was fed enough by the McGreggors so that, at most, she only hunted late night snacks when let out of her cage, now she had already snagged several rodents plus two squirrels. This was going to full her crop and proventriculus, but she didn't care. It would provide extra nutrients and also, she figured, mean extra waste that would, hopefully, create enough force to help push Peter out for her.
When she came back to her cage, she demanded food right away and ate it all quickly, despite already feeling full. She also drank a lot, figuring that more urates also would mean more pressure. She knew that all this waste wouldn't add any comfort to Peter, but it seemed the best means of getting him out of her body alive. The McGreggors were concerned about her appetite plus her lack of droppings in her cage that day.
"I think she's got something wrong with her. Not only is she eating a lot but she hasn't relieved herself." Mrs. McGreggor remarked that afternoon.
"I agree. Something is up with our hawk. Maybe she's pregnant or something." Mr. McGreggor said in agreement.
Agnes, of course, wasn't pregnant, though she sure felt like it with Peter stuck in her cloaca. Even laying several eggs didn't hurt this badly!
"Maybe she ate something that didn't agree with her." Mrs. McGreggor remarked. This, of course, was true, in a sense, but she wasn't to know that Peter Rabbit had survived.
Peter Rabbit, meanwhile, was doing his best to not panic. He had now been inside the hawk for over 72 hours and had been breathing in the fumes of the wastes in her cloaca for over a full day now. The waste, solid feces and semi-solid urates, continued to pour in. However, the only thing going out of her cloaca at the moment was gas, which squeezed its way past him. Unfortunately, there was more of this than usual exiting her vent due to the hawk's altered diet. The fumes were so bad that Peter finally couldn't abstain from vomiting anymore.
"Well, there...plhhhhh, goes my lunch that....pluhhhh.....I had a few....pluhhhh....days ago. Pluhhhh! Your ass stinks.....PTUHHH! PTUHH! too much with your....PTUHHHH....pee and poop and....PTUHHH...gas! PTUH!"
"Sorry, this is where my body sends waste products."
"I'm not a....PTUHHH....waste product! PTUHH!"
"I know you aren't, but you're stuck traveling with them."
Urates continued to enter from the ureter and feces from the rectum, filling up the proctodeum until the waste pile was now nearly up to Peter's arm level. "I need to....PTUH! PUHHH! get outta here....PTUHHH....before I literally....PTUHHH....am buried in this...PTUHHH...shit! PTHHH!"
"It's nearly dark. I'll try and have another go at a bowel movement as soon as I get out." the hawk replied.
"Thanks. PTUHHH!"
Half an hour later, the hawk left her cage, taking off into the night. She landed over a mile away from the house. "I'm going to try again. Brace yourself for the drop." the hawk said. Peter readied himself for a fall out her vent. The hawk once more bent her legs into a squat and lifted her tail out of the way of her cloaca. "Here goes." UNNNNNNH! OOOOH! UNNNNNNNNNNNNNNH! OOOOH! UNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNH! She grunted hard and squeezed harder than she had with even her most stubborn past egg. More gas than she had ever emitted before shot out her cloaca, making Peter vomit again. However, though she was able to push a bit more of him out than last time, getting about half of him out now, his middle was still too big. "I'm sorry." she panted. "It's still not working."
"How do I keep from---PTUHH! PTUH!---being buried in your waste then? PTHHH! It's getting up to my neck! PTUHHH!"
"I don't know, but I'll think of something."
Chapter 11: Of Eggs and Mating
Peter was not thrilled at all. "Agnes, please, get me---PTUHHH---the hell outta---PTHHH--here! I don't ####ing---PTUHHH---care if you have---PTUHHH--to reach your claws---PTUHHH---up your cloaca and---PTUHH! PTHHH---pull me out with them! PTHHH! PTUHHHH!"
"I'm afraid that won't work. I've never really ever had the need before to reach up my vent and pull any waste out as it was mostly goo. But I've had itches on the inside of my cloaca before, but I could only just reach the inner lip of the vent before and that took a lot of effort. So, I'm afraid you're too far out of reach."
"Then what in the name of bloody---PTUHHH! PHHT! PTUHHH!-_###ing hell--PTUHH!---do you expect me--PTUHH!--to do about the---PTUHHH--damned shit and piss--PTUHHH---when it reaches over my--PTUHHH!---head? PTUHHH!" Peter exploded in rage.
Agnes was highly irritated now. Did the rabbit not see that she was trying her hardest. "I'm trying my damned best! If you are so worried about the waste, why don't you eat it if it starts to smother you!" the hawk snapped in exasperation.
"Eat this mess? PTUHHH! Gross! PTUHH!"
"Just give me a damn moment to think about this, ok. It's not like I planned for you to get stuck. If I had thought that would happen, I would have just ripped out your throat and you would have gotten a quick end and I a decent meal."
Peter decided to keep his mouth shut. He realized that upsetting Agnes enough would only make her kill him when she finally did excrete him. His thoughts about his situation were distracted by a sound nearby him. He could hear something moving inside the hawk. It wasn't from her rectum or her ureters but somewhere else. "What's that---PTUHHH!---sound?"
"The only sound I'm hearing is your non-stop mouth!" Agnes snapped. However, though she didn't hear it, she could soon feel it. She had assumed she wasn't due for a day or so after Peter was due to be excreted and hadn't thought of it at the time. However, it was at least that long now and apparently it was that time now.
"Can you tell--PTUH!--me what the hell is--PTUHH! PTH!---going on here? PTUHHH!" Peter snapped.
"I'm about to lay some eggs."
"Eggs? PTUHH!"
"Does that mean that...PTUH! PTHHH!....when you lay them...PTUH!....that it'll be enough to....PTUHHH!....push me out? PTUUH!"
"Unfortunately, no. As I said earlier, my body has a way to keep the eggs from getting contaminated by my wastes. I'm afraid what comes next will be a bit uncomfortable for you."
"You mean more than...PTUHHH!....the usual...PTUHHH!....pain? PTUHH!"
"Yes. It's about to get even more cramped."
"Just ####ing great! PTUHHH!"
A moment later, the hawk could feel the egg enter her vagina. Soon, the opening of her oviducts extended outward, pushing up to her vent. This squeezed Peter and made him have to move his head to a weird angle to keep from being submerged in wastes. At this new angle, he had a clear view of her vent as the egg began to move from her urodeum to the vent and then through it.
The hawk's cloaca bulged out as the egg began to crown out of her vent. The vent, already sore from trying to excrete the young rabbit, began to bleed as the egg pushed its way through it. With a few more grunts and pushes, the egg fell out of her cloaca and landed on the ground below her. However, she could feel more eggs moving inside of her body and knew she wasn't done laying yet.
Peter Rabbit watched as another egg came through the passage from the hawk's vagina and entered into the urodeum. "What's going...PTUH....on? Are you....PTUH!....having babies? PTUHH!" he asked.
"No, these are unfertilized eggs. I lay them occasionally."
"What does unfertilized...PTUHHH....mean? PTUHH!"
"It means that they aren't fertilized by sperm."
"What is sperm? PTUHHHH!"
"It's something from a male that is put into the female."
"That's kind of an adult thing."
As they had talked, the egg made its way out of her cloaca and another began to take its place. Already, nearly five minutes had gone by and Peter was beginning to feel cramped. While most of the amniotic fluid that poured down from her vagina went out the cloaca, some landed on him, mixing with the feces and urates. Over the next five minutes, the hawk laid the rest of her eggs. When she was done, she collapsed in exhaustion. "Aren't you going to try and...PTUH! PTUH!....shit me out again? PTUHHH!"
"I need a rest, kid!"
Peter could tell that the hawk had fallen asleep, for he could soon hear her loud snoring. He tried to wake her up, but she slept on. The waste level inside of her cloaca was such that it was now up to his neck. He was worried that he would suffocate in it if he wasn't able to be excreted that night. There was no way he could survive another day in her cloaca, waiting to be excreted the following night, not even if he did, as the hawk had sarcastically suggested, eat some of the waste to try and lower the level. The hawk remained asleep for about four hours, at which point the waste was nearly to Peter's nose level.
Around 3 in the morning, another hawk landed beside the sleeping Agnes. "I would think it safe to sleep in a tree instead, Agnes." he said.
The hawk woke with a start. "Andre, is that you?" she asked.
"I've had the most miserable night. Not only did I lay a bunch of eggs, but I have a serious case of constipation like you wouldn't believe. Worst in my life. Between the two, it made my cloaca bleed."
"That's a pity. But, I can do something to help with your cloaca pain, if you're interested, as well as fertilize those eggs of yours."
Peter's ears perked up. He heard the word "fertilize" and knew that Agnes wouldn't tell him how that worked. Maybe if he kept quiet, Agnes might forget that he was listening and let the other hawk speak. What came next, however, was more than Peter had bargained for. "You know, I think it might do me good. Goodness knows I've been holding out on you for a while. As long as you don't dine and dash and help me with the kids, I'm game."
"Yes, I promise to stay loyal. You know how I love you."
"Let's do the three kisses." Agnes suggested. The three kisses were, respectively, kissing their beaks together, kissing each other's cloaca with their beaks, and finally, having their cloacae "kiss" with the cloacal kiss.
"Excellent idea."
The two interlocked their beaks, kissing and lolling their tongues inside of each other's mouths. They continued at it for three minutes. Then, the two bent down, beginning to press their lips against each other's vents. Peter, of course, could see a bird's beak pressing against Agnes' cloaca. He wondered what the heck was going on, but was so curious that he didn't say anything. The two hawks began to lick at each other's cloaca. Soon, Agnes orgasmed, unable to handle the pleasure anymore. Peter felt a sudden tightness around him as her cloaca clenched from the orgasm. Now, the two were ready for the kiss. Andre mounted her from behind, pressing the lips of his vent against hers. Agnes' cloaca swelled as she became aroused. Peter was once more pushed into a tight corner. The male began to rub the ridges of his cloaca against hers, increasing the pleasure of both of them. He sped up, making the two sigh and moan with ecstasy. Peter, of course, didn't understand any of it, as he was unfamiliar with the concept of copulation, let alone what it looked like in practice in birds. Thus, he was unprepared for what happened as the two lovers hit climax. SQUIRT! SQUIRT! SQUIRT! SPLORSSSSSSH! Andre's cloaca ejaculated and his seed shot into her cloaca. Most of it went into her vagina and to her oviducts, but some of it went to onto Peter instead, now raising the level of waste products and other material up to his eye level, forcing him to close his eyes. "Hey you two...PTUHHHH...what gives? PTUH!" he cried out.
"Agnes, why is your cloaca talking?" Andre asked.
Agnes' eyes flew open with alarm. In her moment of exhaustion and passion, she'd totally forgotten about Peter Rabbit being stuck inside her cloaca while all of that went down. "Oh shit!" she cried.
Chapter 12: Excretion at Last
Over the next half an hour, Agnes explained the full story of how Peter had come into the garden, gotten caught, been given to her, how she had eaten him whole to give him a chance to survive, but that he had been too fat around the middle to be able to be pushed out her vent. "And so, I've been stuck with the little fellow as my worst case of constipation." she finally finished.
"That's quite a tale." Andre remarked. "And I agree with the little rabbit that if we don't get him out alive tonight, you'll be shitting out his suffocated corpse tomorrow."
"Please, do something. PTUHHH! PTUHH! PTUHH!" Peter begged the two hawks. He was now inhaling far more waste, as it now nearly was covering his head. He had to twist and turn at very uncomfortable angles to keep his air passages free from submersion. And this wouldn't be able to last for long.
"Sorry about adding more trouble to you by adding the semen." Andre said.
"Semen? What's---PTUH! PTUH! PTUH!---that? PTUH! PTUH!"
"It's what I shoot out during copulation into a female."
"What's---PTUH! PTUH!---copulation? PTUH!"
"Well, it's how eggs are fertilized. It makes babies."
"Yes, you've just witnessed the adult activity I mentioned that helps fertilize eggs. Normally, adults would send kids away when they do that but I guess you had nowhere to go." Agnes said.
Peter gasped, getting more waste into his mouth in the process. Now he knew why his father and mother had sent him away those times when they had said they wanted to be left alone for "private adult things". It had been to do goofy stuff, as he viewed sexual intercourse, like the two hawks had just done. "I never--PTUH! PTUH!---realized how babies--PTUH! PTUH! PTUH---were made. PTUH! PTUH! I thought that it---PTUH! PTUH! PTUH!---was the--PTUH! PTUH!--stork! PTUH!"
"Stork, is that what your mother told you?" Andre sighed.
"Yes. PTUH! PTUH!"
"Agnes, try to poop again, and you Peter, push as hard as you can downward, and I'll push on her cloaca from the outside. Maybe with the three forces plus the backed up waste, we can finally get you out." Andre said.
Peter didn't like the idea of submerging himself in the waste, but knew that he'd soon be underneath the growing pile, especially as more feces and urates slid in from the corprodeum and urodeam, respectively, above, nearly fully filling up the proctodeum. "Ok. PTUH! PTUH! PTUH!" he replied.
UNNNNNH! UNNNNNNH! UNNNNNNNH! Agnes grunted hard, squeezing as hard as she could. Peter pushed down, going down into the urates, feces, semen, and amniotic fluid and pushing as hard as he could against the vent. Andre pushed against the outward wall of his lover's cloaca. Peter exited halfway through the cloaca. However, he was still a bit too big. Agnes ceased pushing, needing to take a break. The waste level in the cloaca was now over Peter's head. "H-ppph-e--l-pph--p. Sh-ppht-it--phhh-- me-ppphhhbt -- out! Phht!" Peter cried.
"I need a break. Give me about five minutes."
Peter doubted he could last that long. The waste level soon went over his head after one minute. After two minutes, his lungs were beginning to ache and he was feeling very lightheaded. In desperation, he did what Agnes had sarcastically suggested earlier: swallowed enough waste to lower the level so that his nose was freed. His stomach felt revolted by what he'd ingested, but at least it kept him alive. Still, he didn't think he could bring himself to do it again, not even literally to save himself. It was all he could do to avoid hurling as it was.
Two minutes later, Agnes said "Let's try it again. Let's hope this works this time. If it does, I'm not stopping until it's all out, just as a heads up."
"Under-phhttt--stood---phhht!" The young rabbit figured now was literally do or die. The waste was about to go over his head and he couldn't force himself to ingest more. He emptied his bladder, which he'd been holding till he was in great pain, to avoid raising the waste level any. He figured that he'd either go out and it wouldn't matter, or at least he'd die with an empty bladder.
UNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNH! The hawk grunted once more. Peter pushed down as hard as he could and Andre again pushed on her. This time, with their combined effort plus the extra bit of waste that had fallen just then into the cloaca, there was enough pressure to get him out. He was hastily pushed through the vent and at long last landed on solid ground, finally breathing in fresh air and seeing light after days in the putrid air of the hawk's cloaca and nearly a week in her body, all in complete darkness. Of course, he wasn't fully out of it yet as the hawk, true to her word, emptied out nearly 10 pounds of urates and feces, cleaning out her rectum and kidneys too to the fullest for good measure. Peter soon clambered out of the waste pile, free at last!
"I'm finally free! I'm finally free! I.....BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" his stomach, unable to hold the waste products he ingested any longer, sent the contents upward in a large barf, splattering the feet of the two hawks. "Sorry, I had to ingest some of the waste in order to make it."
"At least you're out and I'm finally free of that pain in my ass."
"And I really really need a bath. A very long one."
"Well, good luck. Andre and I are going to copulate again to celebrate."
"Please don't do it around me."
"We won't. And make sure you don't tell your mother you saw that. I don't think she'd be happy to know you saw copulation up close."
"Not to worry, I'll be telling her as little about this as I can, as I want to forget a lot of it."
"Bye Peter." Andre said as he and Agnes flew off, looking for a good place to make love in peace.
Peter, meanwhile, began to look for water to wash himself. He really needed it!
Chapter 13: Aftermath
It took Peter till afternoon until he felt that he had decently washed off the shit and piss from his body. Alas, the smell remained and her feared it would linger for several weeks. But he was free. Another good thing was that the itch in his rear and balls were finally gone, though he did have some new itches from where the stomachs had digested off his fur. At least this time, when he finally took a crap, having held it in the cloaca to avoid adding more waste, he knew which leaves not to use to wipe his anus.
When he got home, his mother shouted herself hoarse at him, for now he'd been gone about a week. She had been about to punish him she heard his story. Since his smell was so bad and his clothes were in such a state of disrepair, it seemed believable enough, especially as he seemed so eager never to go near the McGreggors again. And, indeed, he never did. It also took him some time to recover from being teased by his siblings for coming out the ass of a bird.
Some days after Peter's return home, Mrs. Rabbit was out gathering flowers one evening when she saw a familiar face. "Ah, Agnes, glad to see you. Thank you for helping me son." she said to the hawk.
"I wish I could say it was my pleasure, but Peter was quite a handful, or should I say, a cloaca full."
"I know. I heard."
"I bet Peter didn't tell you the half of it."
"I'm figuring that too. But at least he's learned his lesson."
"Yes, he most certainly has."
The two had met two years back after Agnes had been about to eat Mrs. Rabbit until she learned that she had a family, at which point she spared her. Mrs. Rabbit was touched and befriended the hawk and the two talked every now and then.
"I'm seeing Andre and we finally took our relationship further and are going to have kids in about a month and a half."
"Yes, it is."
"Good luck with your family."
"And good luck with yours. Peter is quite a lot to handle."
"Don't I know."
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